Chapter 20

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Jisoo POV

I startle awake as a loud ringing sound blares near my head. Thankfully, it is silenced quickly. I let my eyes flutter closed again as I snuggle deeper into my pillow.

"Jisoo, you can't fall asleep again. We have to go back," Hoseok mumbles next to my ear, his voice still husky from sleep. My back is pressed against his chest, his warmth only making me more tired.

"It's still dark outside," I whine.

"Yeah we have to go back early if we don't want to get caught," he explains patiently, even though I already know that.

"I hate waking up this early," I groan, still refusing to remove my face from the pillow.

"Is sleeping next to me not worth it?" he questions, pretending to be offended. I flip over to face him with a scowl on my face.

"No," I say bluntly, but of course I am kidding. Shock takes over Hoseok's face, his mouth hanging open. He quickly pulls the pillow out from under my head and hits me with it.

"Yah, if you don't like it then get out of my bed!" he complains.

"Oppa, it was a jokeee," I squeal, wrapping my arms around him tightly in a hug.

"Well your jokes aren't funny," he scoffs, but he still hugs me back. I nuzzle my face into his shoulder, and start to drift off to sleep again when all of a sudden my sides are being attacked. I screech as Hoseok relentlessly tickles me.

"Oppa- stop- I'll get up- please stop!" I manage to get out between fits of laughter. He doesn't stop however, not until another voice joins us.

"Could you guys be any louder? Just because you have to get up doesn't mean I do," Jimin moans from the other side of the room.

"Sorry Jimin-ssi," Hoseok and I both giggle at the same time.

"Get ready while I make breakfast. You can grab whatever you need from my stuff," he whispers against my hair before pressing a quick kiss on the top of my head making me blush. The bed seems so much colder once he is gone, which helps motivate me to get up.

As we get closer to the training center, Hoseok keeps getting more and more excited for me to officially start rapping. I on the other hand, get more sad. Whenever we go to his dorm, it's like we are in our own little bubble where everything is perfect. Going back to the training center means going back to all the stress and complications.

Hoseok proves this point as we are walking inside. As we are about to go our separate ways, I turn to him. I lean in to press a quick kiss to his lips, but he turns away and steps back. I try to not let the rejection  bother me, but it stings.

"Jisoo-ah, I can't. Not now. My feelings haven't changed but I am not going to act on them anymore while I am your coach. I don't want to take advantage of my superiority or put you in any sort of risk. Can you please respect that?" he asks softly, his eyes begging me to understand.

It's hard to be upset when he is doing it to protect me. But like I said, sometimes being back in the real world sucks.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you in practice then?" I say, offering a tight smile as weak reassurance.

"Of course. I'll tell Yumi that you are switching positions. Will you start eating with me again?" he asks.

"Sure," I answer, my smile becoming more genuine. He smiles too, before turning and walking away. As I watch his figure retreat down the hall, I can't wrap my mind around everything that happened yesterday. He loves me?

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