Chapter 15

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^^^ I live for Hoseok's twitter updates <3

Jisoo Pov

As I wake up from the best night of sleep I have had in years, I feel exhilarated. Today is our first performance! I quickly climb down from bed. I am a little sore, but nothing can ruin my good mood.

I quickly wash up and I don't bother getting dressed because I'll just have to change again in hair and makeup. So a few minutes later, I am running down the hall with Dohee and Seohyun, squealing in excitement.

After breakfast, we get to hair and makeup and suddenly it really hits me. This is a professional performance. Thousands of people will be watching and they will determine whether or not I get to stay on the show.

My happiness dampens a little with nervousness. I wish I was able to practice more yesterday. I completely forgot about my plan to sneak out after Hoseok left...

But I can't worry about it now. I just have to trust that I have practiced hard enough and will do fine. I quickly take my pills when Dohee and Seohyun are looking away.

After changing into our stage outfits, we sit down to have our makeup done. I have never worn makeup before. I could never afford it.

When I look in the mirror afterwards, I gasp. I look so different, so strong and mature. I don't look like the little girl who always got pushed around anymore.

Half an hour later, we are standing off stage, about to start live broadcasting. I am about to start panicking when Dohee beats me to it. She is hyperventilating next to me.

"Dohee, it's going to be alright. You have practiced so hard so you will perform well. And you look HOT. You'll get so many votes," I say trying to reassure her and myself at the same time.

Her breathing slows a little at my words. I wish I could do more but we start moving on stage so I can't. We both just plaster on our best smiles for the camera and hope that everything works out.

	**Stage looks like this

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**Stage looks like this

Since Dohee, Seohyun and I all A class, we are together on the center stage. Dohee is a couple feet behind me, but Seohyun is on the other side of the center stage. B and C class share the side sections. D class is on the back section.

F class doesn't get to perform for the first stage. I felt really bad for them when I heard this. That could have been me if Hoseok hadn't pissed me off and given me the energy to do well during the grade reevaluations.

We are given a signal to start, so all of the trainees introduce ourselves together. Shortly after we all bow to the cameras, the incredibly familiar music starts playing.

All other thoughts leave my head as I start to perform. I focus on making each move perfect. Things are going well so I stop worrying and start enjoying it.

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