Chapter 21

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Hoseok POV

I turn my alarm off quickly so that it doesn't disturb Jisoo who is peacefully snuggled against my side. Last night almost feels like a dream. Everything was perfect. I felt like I was in heaven. So even though it was wrong, I don't regret it. I hope she doesn't either.

I carefully slip out of bed. Jisoo mumbles unhappily, but doesn't wake up. After I wash up, I return to the side of the bed. I lean over and pepper her face with kisses until her eyes flutter open. I pause, waiting to see if her eyes show any signs of regret. When she just smiles up at me, I feel relief surge through me. I lean back down to press a kiss against her lips this time.

"Sorry, but it's time to wake up," I whisper, careful to not wake Jimin up this time. She pushes her lower lip out in a pout, but nods in understanding. I want to pull that lower lip between my teeth, but I stop myself. We really do have to get ready.

I leave the room to make breakfast while she gets ready like usual. We make light conversation as we eat, but I can tell she is still really tired. I feel bad that I'm part of the reason she didn't get much sleep.

"Are you excited to start dancing again today?" I ask while driving back to the training center. They start the last stage today that combines both dance and either vocals or rap.

"Yeah of course. It was fun to sing and rap these last couple weeks, but dancing is the reason I joined the show. I am a little worried about dancing and rapping at the same time though," she answers.

"It may take a little time to adjust, but I'm sure you'll master it quickly like everything else," I say sincerely. She has always been a quick learner. It's one of the many things that fascinates me about her.

"If I survive this elimination, I get to debut," she mumbles, disbelievingly.

"You've earned it," I say proudly.

A few minutes later, I pull the car into a parking space. As we walk in together, I grab her hand, entwining our fingers. I'm not ready to go back to being just her coach. I want to live in this moment forever.

We step inside and she separates our hands making me frown a little. However, my frown evaporates when she presses up on her toes to kiss me deeply.

I kiss her back, savoring the feeling of her plush lips. Eventually I pull back, despite how badly I want our kiss to never end.

"I love you," I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too," she smiles.

"Go get a little more sleep before classes start. I'll see you soon," I murmur. She nods and turns to walk away. I just watch until she disappears around the corner. I have never felt this kind of happiness before.

So of course the world mess it up. I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I pivot around to see Chanri standing before me. Did she see anything? I start to panic.

"What are you doing awake so early?" I ask her, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I wanted to get a head start with practice for the last stage," she explains, and I just nod my head in acknowledgement. Maybe she didn't see anything...

"I would ask you why you are up early too, but I think this video pretty well explains it," she says, showing me her phone. The screen is paused on an image of Jisoo and I pressed against each other kissing. My heart plummets.

"I can explain. Please, just delete the video," I beg.

"I don't care about your excuses, and I definitely don't plan on deleting the video. I won't spread it around though, that is, if you do something for me," she smirks evilly.

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