Chapter 24

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Jisoo POV

I curl over, clenching my stomach in laughter. I haven't laughed this hard in months and it feels amazing.

"Wooyoung-ssi, stop! I can't breathe," I plead. But he doesn't listen. Instead, he continues to dance to atTENtion's title track. Our very provocative, female title track.

I'm still in hysterics as the song comes to an end. He flashes me a proud smile with no sign of remorse.

"What? It's only fair. You danced to our title track, so I had to dance to yours!" he laughs. It's a sound I have become quite fond of over the past month.

"When did you even have time to learn the choreo? I thought you spent all of your free time with me," I say, still slightly out of breath from laughing.

"We don't hang out that often," he says shyly. He's wrong though. After we exchanged numbers a month ago, we started texting and realized that we have a lot in common.

Then one day, we found that we both had the day off and decided to get together and dance for fun.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but dancing had become a job to me. I had forgotten what it felt like to dance for fun. Wooyoung helped me remember.

We have danced together several times since then. Sometimes he will text me in the middle of the night to meet him at his studio, because that is the only time we both have off. We have also just chilled and relaxed together. He is so easy to be around. Everything is simple with him. When I am with him, I miss Hoseok a little less.

"Did you see our interview today?" I ask him as we both lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling.

"No, I was really busy all day. I can watch it later if you want me to," he says softly beside me.

"No, no, it's okay. I was wondering because one of the reporters asked if we are dating again," I giggle.

"Wow, they really won't give up," he chuckles.

"Well it doesn't help that you tweeted a picture of us getting coffee together!" I yell playfully, smacking his shoulder.

"We have to feed our fans who ship us," he says defensively.

"But we aren't actually dating," I laugh.

"Only because you aren't over that asshole yet," he whispers.

Wooyoung confessed to me about a week ago, but I turned him down. I told him about everything that happened between Hoseok and I and how I still have feelings for him. He was very understanding, and we decided that we can be best friends instead.

"I'm sorry," I sigh, snuggling into his side to comfort him.

"Don't be. I'm happy with how things are," he says more cheerfully, pulling me closer to him. We lay like that for a few minutes, but then I yawn against his chest.

"Okay time to take you home. You have to rest up for the awards show tomorrow!" he says, standing up. He offers me his hand and helps me to my feet.

"I can't wait to watch you perform!" I say excitedly.

"Same here. It's cool that we will both be at the same awards show," he smiles.

"All the idol groups are going to be there you idiot. It's the biggest awards show," I laugh, bumping my shoulder against his as we walk to his car.

"Yeah... including BTS. Are you going to be okay? I know you haven't seen him since Create 101 ended," he asks concerned.

"I'll be fine. It's not like I have to interact with him. But I am excited to see Jimin oppa! Do you want to come with me when I meet up with him? I know you are a huge fan," I offer.

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