Chapter 11

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Jisoo POV

I wake up to the sound of our theme song blaring through the speakers like usual. Also like usual, it feels like someone shot my left side repeatedly. Actually, it is much worse than usual.

I feel my eyes start to water as I wonder how I am supposed to get out of bed feeling like this. I don't think I'll be able to dance.

But then I remember Hoseok's hateful words. I am not pathetic. I let myself get pissed off again, knowing that it will help me get through today. As I climb down from my bed, I let the pain fuel my anger even more.

Throughout breakfast, try to remember all of the mean things other trainees have said to me. Today I am going to prove everyone wrong.

By the time I get to the practice room for the grade reevaluations, I have successfully become infuriated enough for my anger to mask the pain so that I only feel a dull ache.

When it is my turn to go, adrenaline mixes with the anger to numb me completely. As I step in front of the camera, I feel confident. I just have to dance like I did for hours yesterday. I can do this.

Hoseok POV

Grade reevaluations are taking forever. We started with the F class and are moving up to A. We just got to C class after three hours.

I wouldn't say it was boring so far, but it was pretty uneventful. Most of the kids got a little better, but there were only a few who improved a lot.

However, if I was slightly bored before, it is completely gone now. Jisoo is going to come on soon. I've decided that even if she did really poorly, I'm not going to let her drop in grade. I'll fight for her to stay in C class, even if it looks bad in front of the cameras.

I just can't let her drop. She needs a high grade so that she doesn't get eliminated. She has too much talent. I don't know why she is holding back, but I am going to find out. I will help her perform passionately again.

But it isn't Jisoo who appears first. It's Dohee, the girl who defended Jisoo after I snapped. She looked really strong yesterday in practice, and she looks even better today. She is probably the most consistent dancer from C class. We unanimously decide to move her to A class.

Several more girls go, but they have pretty mediocre performances so we end up keeping them in C class. Then Seohyun comes on. She is also one of Jisoo's friends and a talented dancer like Dohee. I had a feeling that we would move her to B class, but then she had a nearly perfect performance so we decide to give her an A.

It makes me happy that Jisoo's friends are doing well and that they get to stay together. However, it makes me sad that Jisoo is now going to be alone.

Aesook comes on next. I feel a frown form on my lips as I remember what I said to Jisoo yesterday. Aesook was not right. She is just an insecure bully. You aren't pathetic Jisoo. But I don't get to actually say any of this. It's too late now anyways.

My frown disappears when Aesook falters, messing up the choreography. I feel a little guilty that I am happy she isn't doing well, but I can't help it. When the others want to drop her to D class, I agree.

My happiness doesn't last long though, as Jisoo finally appears on the screen. I hadn't realized how much I was dreading this moment until now.

"Okay before she starts, I just want to say that this is probably going to be pretty bad, but she has a lot of potential. You just have to trust me on that," I say, almost begging. They just nod briefly before turning back to the screen.

I start watching through squinted eyes. Please do well. And then suddenly my eyes are wide open. Her dancing is beautiful. This is what I knew she was capable of. Every move is precise and executed with the perfect amount of power and control.

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