Chapter 9

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Jisoo POV

I practiced straight through lunch and for several more hours before I finally let Dohee and Seohyun drag me out of the practice room for a late dinner.

"Don't worry about it. It will get better before grade reevaluations," Dohee says, referring to the jump that I have been trying to fix all day.

"Will it? It hasn't improved at all even after hours of practice. It feels like I'm holding back, but I don't know how to stop," I sigh frustratedly, setting my small bowl of tteokbokki down on the table.

"Well worrying about it won't make it better either. Just try to enjoy the experience. I mean, you talked to Jung Hoseok today! Maybe he didn't have nice things to say, but still," Dohee laughs. She has a point, and I feel a little bit better.

"After dinner we should sing for a bit. We can dance again afterwards before bed, but you need a break to clear your mind," Seohyun suggests.

"Okay," I nod in agreement.

I eat a few bites before throwing away the rest when the girls weren't looking.

"Wow, you ate quickly," Seohyun says in surprise when I sit back down.

"Yeah, I guess I was really hungry," I say, relieved that they didn't notice. They finish their food a few minutes later and we start walking to one of the smaller practice rooms.

"What song do you want to sing?" Seohyun asks.

"Hmm, maybe Jimin's end part of Let Me Know?" I suggest.

"Oh yeah, that's definitely pretty high. To be honest, I'm not sure I could hold that note either," she laughs.

"Let's just listen first," she says, pulling the song up on her phone. I have always loved Jimin's vocals. It's so beautiful.

After we listen a few times, we start warming up our vocals with some scales and other exercises.

"Okay now give it a try."

I start from an earlier part where he is singing lower, but as soon as I get to the high part my voice cracks. I feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"It's okay, we've all been there. Try again," she encourages. I do it again, but the same thing happens.

"Try opening your mouth more," she suggests. Nothing changes.

"Don't look upwards, keep your chin tilted downwards," she corrects after a few more runs. My voice still cracks and is off pitch. I am starting to get frustrated.

"Okay, you just need to relax. You're so stiff. Focus on relaxing your mouth, neck and shoulders."

I try again, but I crack again. My throat is starting to get sore from it.

"You tensed up again right before you hit the high notes. Don't anticipate it." I just sigh as a response.

It has been almost an hour and by this point I'm in a really bad mood. Nothing has been going well today. It seems like no matter how hard I practice something, it won't get better. I feel helpless.

"How about we try again tomorrow. My throat is sore and it looks like Dohee is going to die of boredom," I say.

"What? No, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Dohee replies.

"It's okay, I really want to work on the dance again anyways. We have plenty of time before the vocal stage."

"Okay," they both agree simultaneously. We all get up to walk to the studio when a sharp pain shoots up my side because I was sitting weirdly on the floor. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from groaning out loud.

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