When Someone Online Is Ranting About School

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Twitter, yet again.

I saw this one person there ranting about school.

With the typing abilities of a 9 year old.

'Y does skool matter lmao. U gonna fail anyway n no fun at all'

My spelling Nazi was triggered.

This is my reply:


Secondly, school does matter. How did your parents get a job? They go to school. Wanna be a doctor, get a PhD. Wanna be a clothes designer, get a certificate in order to be qualified to be one. Wanna be a zoologists-- well you get the idea.

Secondly, you only fail if you don't study, so fuck you for not studying then.

Lastly, no fun? P.E exists.'

No reply came soon after.

Before the person tweeted out, saying,

'luk at dis guy. Flag him for harrassment.'

I waited, and there were no likes or retweets. Only other people coming in and pretty much destroying the person for threatening me.

Twitter is bad, but it's surprisingly cool too.

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