I'm the kind of guy who likes finding the truth behind a lie.
Despite being a liar, ironically.
If you see the title by now, and you wanna be the kind of guy who likes exposing people for what they are, here're a few tips from the boy who can CT and counter your claims.
1. NEVER censor names, dates, and time.
There's a reason why I'm not afraid to call people out for their bullshit and continuously rapid fire.
It's because unlike many people in Wattpad who 'exposes' other people, I would gladly show a message between two people whose names are exposed.
Why? To show that it's proof, and it's a credible and cannot be fabricated evidence.
Besides, even if people think I'm lying, they can go ahead and ask the person (victim or otherwise) if what they say is true.
The date and time are also crucial, because it would help others to identify when it took place.
Granted, this is quite a gamble, since you're risking the victim's privacy and can lead to some unwanted consequences.
2. NEVER hide a person's identity if the person whose identity you hid know something
"Uhm. . . That's actually true. I have a friend who's been harassed by her. I'm not telling you who to protect her identity."
If you protect her identity, then how are we sure that the harrassment is true?
Never hide their identity. This is important, as they're witnesses/victims who may be able to help others to band together against that one suspect (should the suspect is confirmed).
If you do hide it, how are people gonna believe you or the victim/witness?
3. Be as unbiased as you can
Try and be the middle man and see things from others' perspective. Don't lean too much on the victim, don't lean too much on the suspect.
This is because you never know whether they're telling the truth or lying until the cold hard truth arrives.
4. Never shut down other people's suggestions
"If you don't believe me, I won't be talking anymore. Goodbye."
Don't. Do. This.
This shows that you're someone who thinks you're entitled to anything the argument has.
It also makes you look like a condescending prick/bitch.
I know several people in Wattpad do this all the time, and it really makes me angry.
If you're so closed minded and not want to hear what the other side would say, then it's not even exposing the truth.
It's plain dumb.
There's always two sides in an argument.
My Own MB Book, I Guess
RandomSince no one gives two fucks on reading my MB, may as well make a book and profit reads from it.