I know none of you asked for it but I'll tell ya anyway. First off, my left knee.
It was when I was in primary school. I think it was when I was in Year 3-4. Could be wrong.
So I got to school early as usual. Because I'm a good Samaritan in that school, unlike me now. I put my bag in my classroom and stood around the field where everyone would line up for assembly. There were a few other students there, mostly younger than I am. I found myself just bored out of my wits, but then I saw my classmates coming onto the field.
Since I was in a Malay-centric country, this is a somewhat loose translation of the conversation I had:
"As usual?" One of them asked me.
"Obviously!" I replied back. By that point, there were other students grouping up.
And by that point, we were playing tag to pass the time. And so were the other students who decided that it was a good idea to play tag.
And so, several other students from other classes came around and we began to choose the tagger. It landed at one of our classmates. And so, we all backed away. Ye boi was jogging backwards, when it happened.
Some random older student accidentally rammed me, causing me to lose my footing and fall to the ground, scraping my knee in the process.
I couldn't feel anything but pain at my left knee, and I can't find myself to stand up. I was also crying, because I was a self-admitted pussyboi. My friends, seeing my predicament, immediately helped me up and helped me get to the infirmary, which was close to the principal's office.
Of course, the principal saw this.
He hurriedly rushed me to the infirmary to get the injury cleaned and taken care of. I saw my friends having a look of worry. Whether that it was because it was their fault I was hurt, or out of genuine worry for me.
I wasn't sure. But thinking back about it, it is likely to be the latter.
So I got my knee checked up, and the nurse, who was also my science teacher, unironically enough, told me that I shouldn't be playing tag or walk really fast for a while.
While I hated that, I was a good Samaritan so I agreed.
And that was the story of how I scraped my left knee.
My right knee on the other hand was something else.
So we had PE that time, and we were doing PE stuff, mostly playing basketball because that was epic as fuck to me.
And my classmates were hella experts at that, and they practically influenced me to play basketball.
I don't truly remember when it was when I scraped my right knee, but it was likely that it was actually the same kind that scraped my left knee.
But unlike ye boi back then, I didn't cry or tell anyone. Though admittedly it hurt to just walk around, and to make it worse, it won't stop bleeding. It only stopped a few hours later.
The next day, scalp had formed already, and during break time, my friend suggested I play badminton with him. Being a good friend that I was (I wasn't really a good friend, but I was nice to people), I agreed.
Long story short, I skidded too hard, I scraped the same knee and the wound reopened. And bled again.
I decided to walk it off, but during my Physics lesson, my girl friends noticed that my knee was literally bleeding, I was holding it in with my right hand and told the teacher.
As much as I hated them for calling me out, I feel like they did that out of concern.
I only realised that now, and I should've appreciated their help.
So I was sent to the infirmary with my Physics teacher having disgust in her voice.
Clearly someone doesn't like blood.
So I went to the infirmary after asking several senior students to have it treated, and apparently. . .
The administration was also an infirmary.
So I went and had it treated, and they told me not to do anything brash for the next few weeks.
I obeyed, because I knew that it was best for me.
I also think that that's one of the turning points in my life that led me to become who I am now.
And if you're wondering, I told my parents about the incident with the scraped left knee but not the right.
Cause I'm a big boy and I need to man up to my mistakes.
Current status of my left knee:
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Current status of my right knee:
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These scars will be a constant reminder to me to always be careful and always watch my back.