Minecraft: Suddenly It's Scary

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I play Minecraft on mobile.

Cause laptops and computers are expensive nowadays.

Funny thing was, I was spawned on an island with nothing but water surrounding me.

Yes. Just water.

Okay, there were a few islands here and there but mostly water. And those islands are far and I mean FAR from the spawn island.

So I decided to go exploring on my birch boat, with my dolphin leading me to somewhere.

Then I found an underwater temple and I saw this giant light brown tadpole just diving itself to the sea level.

I was like 'what the fuck is that?'

I kept looking at it.

Then out of nowhere, my character began hallucinating on that creature, and I hear a loud screeching in my ears.

That shit scared me a lot, so I instantly rowed back to spawn island.

There was also lightning. And it was loud.

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