My dad's going on a rant regarding my sister's attitude.
Something about her prioritizing going out with her friends rather than helping the family in general.
Yeah she got her driving license and the first thing she does with it is to hang out with her friends.
Suddenly, I'm really happy that I don't have friends who want to hang out with me.
And no, I do have friends. It's just that they never ask me to hang out with them.
Besides, why do I want to waste time walking at a mall and watch some movie that I'd likely watch once and forgot about it in a week?
That, and I'm pretty broke.
But anyway, this morning was relatively uneventful, so I'll leave it at that.
I'm also gonna get my license this year, and my guardian promised me that the car my guardian has been using ever since I was 7 would be mine.
Yeah, kinda looking forward for that.
The only thing holding me back is my situational crippling anxiety.
My Own MB Book, I Guess
RastgeleSince no one gives two fucks on reading my MB, may as well make a book and profit reads from it.