Chapter 6: Niall

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So after I went to Lucy's room, I couldn't stop thinking how beautiful she looked. Her cheekbones looked higher, her curves were more there, her legs were shining, her cheeks had a bit of pinkness to them, her lashes looked longer, her eyes looked more black than brown, just perfect. Sure she looked way gorgeous without all that, but this time, she made everything look accentuated.

Then, around five, we were all ready to go. Minerva and Lucy looked alike, except Minerva's makeup was much more noticeable. Ok I have to say this because I haven't been clear with this.

Minerva had hair that was a like five inches past her shoulders. Her hair was a chocolate brown color and today it was curled and styled like Ariana Grande. Her hair, most of the time, was straight, but when she didn't have time to do it, it was super curly. She had big lips, but not that big, she had big teeth, but not that big. Her eyes were round, and her dark brown pupils took up the whole entire middle of the eye. She was pretty, but she looked 19-20, but at the same time, 25-26, so I didn't know how old she was. When she smiled, she had a dimple on the right side of her face. Her dimple was like the letter i, it had a perfectly round dimple at the top, right below that, connected, was a line. A dimple like Harry Styles. Today, her makeup was simple. She had dark brown eye shadow, and below that, she had a lighter brown, on the...lid? It also looked like she was wearing false lashes and (what did they call it?) winged liner. She was wearing a light blush, and a red lipstick.

We went to the #1 Italian restaurant, Michael's on Napels Restaurant. It was fancy, and the food was delicious. I would've liked it if there was a Nando's around here, but sadly, there wasn't. We ate, laughed, talked, just had a great time. Then, Minerva wanted to talk to Lucy so they went to the bathroom. I stayed alone with my mom.

My mom asked me questions about my life before I had bought the super big apartment. Then she started going more into my love life recently. Okay, let me be real, in my life, I had only had two girlfriends. Both of them, after I had turned into a billionaire. So they just wanted me for my money. They always were asking me for new clothes, new makeup, new beds, new furniture, just everything.

That's when my mom started asking me questions about Lucy and if she was like those other girls. I told her that she had had problems with her family and how she had told me that her parents didin't care for her that much. After hearing all this my mom looked a bit uncomfortable, so I asked her what was wrong.

This is what she said, "When I saw her come into the apartment, I immediately thought that she was one of those...girls. Now that you are telling me this, I....I do not want her in your life. I don't care how nice you say she is, I feel like you haven't learned frome your mistakes in your past. She is obviously one of those girls who messed your life up, and I don't want you to get hurt again. It is obvious that she is looking for attention. I-"

"Mom, I am sorry, but this is my life. I am an adult already and I can do whatever I want. If she hurts me, that will be my problem, not yours. Besides, who said I was wanting her for a girlfriend?"

"Niall, it is painfully obvious that you like her. I'm pretty sure that even she knows."

My face kind of heated up. Then I said, "Ok, so I do like her, but who cares? I'm sorry, but like who cares? I might find another girl that I love and I will forget about Lucy."

"But what if you don't?"

Uncomfortable silence.

"Niall, she can be the wrong girl for you. I am just trying to protect you. You have to understand my worry."

"What makes you think that she is trying to look for attention?"

"Well, when you said you found her crying on the steps of her house, she probably saw you and wanted attention."

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