Chapter 13: Minerva

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HEY GUYS!!!!! I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Did you miss me too? I am FINALLY here with another update. It's been forever huh? Ugh, I am in a super hyper mood, and my mood affects the story, so just know that if an update is super crappy, its just because I was in a super crappy mood.

A few questions: do you guys like how I am writing? Like every chapter is a different person, instead of separating the chapters into different point of views (POV's)? Or is it more confusing? Comment below what you think. Ok, now back to the point of this message. Who do you guys think this mysterious girl is? Could it be...?

I won't tell you. Keep on reading. HA!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!

Another question, and this is mostly to all those authors out there: What does A/N mean?? Is it like Author Note??? Just wondering.

Aren't I such a bad*** person? Leaving without updating for TWO WEEKS!!! But it was just to build up the excitment.

I know you must be like, "What about the story??" Yes, yes, I'm getting there. Just one more thing, COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE. There are soooo many views and votes that I have gotten and all in just one month and you guys are AWESOME!!!! THE BEST, I SWEAR!!!!! But I want to know your feelings towards the story. So comment!!!!

Oh, aaaaaand, ONE MORE THING. I can hear you going like, "UUUUUUGHGHGHG!!!" This is quick. Wait....wait. I forgot......Sorry. Oh, wait, YES, follow me and I will try SUPER hard to follow you back as quick as possible. But I will follow you back. AAAAANNNNND the last thing, I am writing a new story and it is mainly romance. I will tell you more about it, more towards the middle of this story that you are reading right now, at this moment. And I will not start posting that story until I finish this story. But before I get to the middle of this story, I want to know if you guys want a second book for this After Dark series, book, thing, or if you just want it all together in one book. If you guys are reading this story for tips on getting bullied and errrrthang, I am getting there, I just don't want this story to be rushed. You know those kinds of stories where it's like, "Intro; 3,000 pages, middle; 1,000 pages, END: ONE PAGE," and then you're like, "WHAT??? So that's the end? They married, they had kids and BOOM! The end???? WHAT???!!! That's messed up. It didn't even say how they had kids....that sounds didn't even say how they married or the wedding or anything!!!!!" I don't want to be one of those authors, so be patient for the tips, for the middle, and for the very, very, truly, true end.

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FB Page: After Dark Series

 Did this make sense at all. *LOL*

So, now, the part that you've all been waiting for........

THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Why?? WHY?? WHY???

Here was Niall telling me he wanted to hurt himself rather than three girls at the same time. Doesn't he know that by commiting suicide, he will kill everyone around him? I mean, not physically, but mentally and emotionally. We would be broken to the last bits of ourselves, not knowing what to do without him. We would be broken and destroyed and all these other bad things that makes me sick. Ugh, why does life have to be hard?

But, no matter what, I will always remember that one saying, "Life is like a roller coaster. It has ups and downs, but its your choice to sream or enjoy the ride." And I chose to enjoy the ride, enjoy life, enjoy everything.

"Everything happens for a reason." -Zoella.

And it is totally true. Maybe this is happening to make Niall realize the love of his life.




Lucy VS.

I don't want to say this. I'm sorry. But I have to.

Who would Niall choose??

This is

Lucy VS America

So, they came back and sat down on opposite ends. Let's be real here, I was still shocked about what Niall had said. I think I even had my eyes wide open and my jaw six feet underground, it broke off of my face. They looked at me and frowned. I looked back at them and composed myself.

They looked back and fourth between themselves and Niall. There was tension and you could tell.

Finally, Lucy broke the silence by saying, "Well, we are at the food court, so...what do you guys want to eat?"

"How about a Subway?" America suggested.

By the way that Lucy was looking at her, I could tell that Lucy hated her, and she didn't trust her one bit. There was tension, and Niall could see it too. I don't know what America had done, but I could tell that she was trying to gain back Lucy's trust because she was sorry. So, with my super generous attitude, I decided to give them some time to talk, which led me into telling them, "How about you guys go buy whatever Subway you want? I have to talk to Niall."

They looked at me like, 'What is your problem? Do you want us to die?'

Then they looked at each other with a glare so...evil. There was so much hatered that I wanted so bad to say, 'Uh nevermind you guys. We actually want to go home if you don't mind.'

But too late. They stood up and left. I cannot tell you how nervous I was at this moment. What if one of them died? I would never forgive myself if anything happened to Lucy.

I looked at Niall and it looked like he didn't understand anything. But oh well.

I watched as they left over to Subway.

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