Chapter 24: Daniela (please read beginning)

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Hey guys! I am telling you in advanced that this is a special edition story and it won't be longer than one and a half pages long. I know you guys are excited to know what happened next and I can't take this any longer, I have to start updating my new story as fast as possible, so here it goes.

Bare with me.


Here I am telling you guys almost an year later, in December of 2015, but I wanted to get this out of the way. 

Yes, I do mention CoffeeBreakWithDani, and this story is somewhat about her too, but I realized that I cannot support her, or be subscribed to her anymore because of how mean she is. I am telling you right now that if you guys are subscribed to her channel, unsubscribe RIGHT NOW. It was my mistake introducing her into this story, and if you subscribed because of me, I am terribly sorry for that. 

If you could just see how mean and passive-aggressive she is on Twitter AND YouTube, you'd think the same way.

I am sorry if I offended anyone, but I cannot support rude people, and Dani is one of them.

Just know that because she is in my story, it does not mean that I like/support her, and if you were offended by her, I am sorry, it has happened to me too. 

The reason why I am not taking her off of the story is because this was from a year ago, and I don't want to confuse any readers, if I actually change it. 

Again, please forgive me for mentioning her in this book, but know that I stopped supporting her the moment I saw how mean she was.


We were pushed out of the room as doctors went in to examine Lucy.

Based on what Niall had told me, Lucy had insited on talking, and that kind of took all her energy. When the machine started beeping faster, Niall tried to calm Lucy down, but she kept on insiting.

Lucy can be very stubborn sometimes, and most of the time, she takes dangerous risks just because of how stubborn she is.

Anyways, we were outside, and I still couldn't believe everything that was happening.

First off, I found out that Lucy is my sister. My father wasn't actually my father, and my name isn't actually Minerva, it's Daniela.

It's funny how life can change from one moment to another. Sometimes it a pleasant, happy change, other times it's shocking, and other times it's not a very good change. This change was a mix of happy and shoking and not okay.

It was pleasant because at least I still have family. Even if it's only going to be for a few seconds, but lets hope it's a whole lifetime.

It was shocking because, all along, I thought I was a regular child with a normal family, but it turns out my family was kind of messed up.

It was not okay because I DID NOT like my father. He tried to kill my baby sister and because of him, she was almost dying.

Nothing, right now, was fair.

Anyways, when the doctors came out, they didn't look so happy, which scarred me.

They said that Lucy was on the verge of death and that she needed to rest some more. We weren't going to be allowed to visit her until she was fine, which would probably be never.

Life can be complicated sometimes . . .

They kept on saying that the injury that she recieved was enough to send someone to jail for ten to twenty years, so we had to tell the police if we knew anything about this incident.

Scary day today.

Today was May 21, 2013.

When we went back to the apartment, I went straight to my room and grabbed my laptop. I changed my YouTube name from, CoffeeBreakWithMinerva to CoffeeBreakWithDani.

Once I was done, I went over to grab my camera and start filiming.

With my coffee cup in my hand I took a sip and said, "Coffee break with me, woo!" and did a little dance along with that.

This video would be titled, "Intro to Myself | CoffeeBreakWithDani."


That is it for today, hope you guys enjoyed this. I know it is short, but whatever. It's still something.

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