Chapter 19: Minerva

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We stood up to get to the taxi after this dude had convinced us that he was a nice person.

He helped us up and led us out to the exit of the store next door.

Then things went totally wrong.

The dudes 'boss' showed up. Behind us we heard a raspy voice, "Where are you taking them? The exit is this other way!"

We turned.

Not such a pretty sight. First off, this dude had one eye higher than the other, but it wasn't too extreme. One eye looked like it was about to pop out. The other was sunken in a bit. He had deeper wrinkles around his mouth and around his right eye. His eyebrows were totally different. One was arched, the other wasn't.

He continued to say, "Why don't you have them tied?! Tie them up or else they will run away!"

I know that right now, you are thinking, "Oh they ran away. Don't worry."

Well, guess what? You're wrong. We didn't even have time to process the idea of running away.

The dude, which by the way, didn't introduce himself, grabbed my left hand and America's right hand and loosely tied them together.

The boss came around to check and chuckled. He untied our arms, and then tied them again, this time, so tight that it cut off our circulation.

He grabbed our hands and led us out through another exit.

When we got outside, he led us to a big black car. He opened the door, and tried to push us inside.

America seemed to be getting out of her daze, and she started to use force against this big dude. She looked at me, and I got the message. Together, we used all our force to not get killed.

He kept on pushing and pushing, until finally, we felt his grip loosen.

I know it would've probably been suicide, but after a while, I looked behind me.

What I saw made me regret looking back.

The dude that had tried to help us had apparently hit his boss with the hilt of his knife. His boss was laying on the ground knocked out, but he had a nasty cut on his arm. On his side, blood was coming out like a waterfall.

America looked back too, and gasped. As a police officer, she probably was used to seeing things like blood, broken bones and other injuries, but I guess not.

The dude looked at us and made a 'shooing' gesture with his free hand. We left running until we reached McDonalds, which was about 2 blocks away from the mall. 

We stopped at the light and tried to untie ourselves. Behind us, we heard gunshots and heard the cars stepping on the brakes. 

I looked behind and saw two cars. One at the front and another on the back. My guess was that the car at the front was being chased by the car on the back. There were gunshots going forward from the car in the back and gunshots going backward from the car in the front. Finally, we were untied.

We turned the corner and kept on running. We reached a small store, I think it was Target, and we went inside. We found the bathroom and went in there too.

America took out her phone and dialed her number. While she waited, she said, "See if you can call Niall or Lucy." I took out my own phone and dialed Niall's number. After a few seconds, he picked up.

"Hello? Minerva? Are you guys okay?"

"Yes, we're fine. Aside the fact that we were almost killed, we're a bit sweaty, and we are stuck in a bathroom, we are totally fine."

"Oh my gosh, what happened? What do you mean you almost got killed?"

"I'll tell you all about when we find each other and we have about two to three hours. But tell me, where are you guys?"

"Um . . . at the hospital. But nothing bad happened. Just Lucy twisted her ankle . . . well, it was a bit worse than that. The closest she got to death was just being unconscious, probably not as bad as you guys. Are you sure you guys are okay? You aren't hurt or anything, right?"


"Alright. Well, where exactly are you? I am going to pick you guys up."

"No, not yet. There was a few gunshots fired around the area we were in. We don't know if it's still dangerous. I will call you when we are safe. Not completely, because you are never completely safe, but still."

"Oh, alright then. Call me if anything happens."

"Ok. Bye."


We both hung up and I put my phone away. At the same time, America put her phone away. We looked at each other and started talking at the same time. 

"You go first," she said.

"Alright. Well, Niall and Lucy ended up in a hospital because Lucy twwisted her ankle and hurt something else. That's all they told-"

I was interrupted by another gun shot.

America grabbed me an pushed me into a bathroom stall. She whispered, "Stay in here. Make sure your feet and your head can't be seen." She closed the door, leaving me no time to ask her anything.

I heard some footsteps and then the light turned off. I heard a stall close and get locked. 

Later, I heard some heavy footsteps and the door open. A manly voice asked, "Is anyone in here? Everything is safe now." Moments later, the lights turned on. The person came around knocking on the stalls. He pushed my door and found it locked. "It's alright, it's just the manager. You don't have to come out yet." There was a pause. "Oh, you can come into the bathroom."

Another stall closed and locked. America knocked on the wall separating us. "You can come out now," she said in an almost whisper.

I opened the door and stepped out. America was standing right next to me but then she walked towards the door. She opened it and looked outside. She signaled me to go over there. 

We stepped outside and ran to the exit. Don't ask why America was making this extra dramatic because I have no idea.

Once we stepped outside, I grabbed my phone and called Niall. 

"Hey, are you guys alright now?"

"Yeah. Pick us up at the . . . Target near the mall. But come quick."

"Yeah, alright. I'm already in my car."

"Hurry then. Bye."



HEY GUYS!!!!!!!

I already took my little mini Christmas break, so that's why I haven't been updating. So far, I have plans on updating on Christmas, so stay tuned for that. 

Alright, I need to ask you guys a few questions but not on here because I can't post that many pictures on here. Make sure you follow my social media pages.

Also, make sure you share this story with your friends, especially those who suffer of bullying and all that. Starting next chapter, the bullying will truely start. 

Facebook: After Dark Series

Instagram: After_Dark_Series

YouTube: Nancy Lopez (Change from Videos to Channels.)

Follow all of these things and stay tuned for the questions. I will post them on Facebook, Sunday, December 2014.

Thanks for reading!

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