Chapter 10: Minerva

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Here was Niall telling me that I should do my YouTube channel, when he won't take the chance to meet Lucy just a little bit more, and ask her to be his girlfriend. You have to be the bravest of all humanity to do either of them.

Anyways, after a long night of talking, we started falling asleep. I didn't want to stop talking because this was the he first time I was getting to know him a bit better. I mean, sure, I thought of him as a brother, but we never really had the chance to talk about our feelings towards simple things like people, or events. It felt good having the chance to talk to him about his feelings towards Lucy.

I noticed how much he had changed after our last real conversation. He seemed more mature and a little older. So he seemed more mature mentally and physically. After all this talk, I knew he wasn't like the other guys. He hadn't changed the bad way. For example, he didn't want Lucy because of her looks. He wanted her because of who she was inside, and her attitude towards things and life.

At one point I asked him, "Why do you want Lucy so much?"

His answer made me almost tear up. It told me that all he cared about from girls, was their feelings and who they truly were inside. He said, "After everything she had said about her past, I really feel the need to help her. You know? I feel like I would die if I let her suffer more...than she already has, alone. I don't want her to suffer moretragedies, much less suffer them alone. You know what I mean?"

That answer was meaningful. I could tell that he was being truthful. The look in his eyes, sadness. He was sad that he hadn't been there for Lucy when her dad beat her up. I was and am 100% sure he would've defended her and put her dad in jail. Niall had that kind of big heart, and until now, I was realizing how big it really was.

Anyways, after talking about silliness and laughing a lot, I finally got him to tell me what had happened to his mom. He said that she yelled at him and made him feel so sad. I could tell he wanted to cry, and I believe the best relief for too much stress is to cry it out, so I told him that it was okay if he cried. At first, he tried to look strong, then a tear rolled down his face. Then I hugged him and he cried more. He was crying like a little baby, and I was sure that it wasn't just because of his mother. It probably was all the tears that he had hidden for years, wanting to come out. All of those moments where he felt the need to cry, but he didn't want to look like a crybaby. I was pretty sure that all the bad moments in his life where coming out through his tears.

People can never be too strong. Even the strongest people need a few hours to cry it out and continue on with their life being strong. We are like that one saying, "The girl you see laughing and smiling in the hallway, may also be the one who cries herself to sleep." I mean, think about it, it's like a garbage can. The bad stuff and sad and miserable stuff is all garbage. Once the can gets full, you have to empty it out. You knowwhat I mean?

After what seemed like forever, I fell asleep. I didn't mean to, but I was really tired. And to be honest, I had also cried a bit, so I was obviously really tired.

In the morning, when I woke up, the first face I saw was Lucy's.

Things happened like this:

After my super weird dream of haters and their comments on their YouTube channel, I started waking up a bit. I remember feeling something warm against the side of my body. I started wondering about last night and what me and Niall had talked about. Then I started opening my eyes slowly because I thought I had felt a little mini earthquake. I turned my head so that I was facing the entrance of my filming room. I opened my eyes, then I closed them. Then I turned, and opened my eyes. The thing was that I opened my eyes slightly, so when I looked straight ahead there was this big black shadow with super BRIGHT lights around it.

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