Chapter 11: Lucy

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I went downstairs with Niall, after I had brushed my teeth. At first I was scared. I mean, there was a lot to think about, like, 'Why did he only ask me to come?' Then, the fact that I had only known Niall for five days, not even a week.

But then again, I had asked Minerva if she wanted to come and she had said that she wanted to practice for her YouTube channel.

Once I was out of Minerva's room, I started wondering things such as, 'I wonder what Minerva's YouTube channel is going to be about. What is it going to be named? Is she going to let me help her edit? I wonder if she'd be okay if I asked her to do my makeup on camera once she is a bit more famous. Wait, but what if her channel isn't about makeup and it is about food? Will I convince her to do a makeup channel instead. But...won't that be awkward? What if I go up to her and try to convince her to do her channel about makeup, and it already is on makeup? If it is about makeup, will she let me take professional pictures to put on her Instagram, and her Facebook?'

With all that on my head, I forgot where I was going. The bad thing was that I also forgot to look up, so when Niall had stopped, I hadn't noticed. In a very, very awkward moment, I had bumped into Niall. Was that obvious? I think. I mean, well duh! I didn't see where I was going so I didn't know that Niall had stopped...let's drop it.

So, I bumped into Niall, and I still had no idea what was going on. My brain was sometimes that slow at reacting. I kept looking straight, and when my brain had finally reacted, I realized;

1) I had bumped into Niall

2) It was very awkward

3) Niall's hands were on my biceps

4) I felt totally, absolutely, and really, really, dumb.

I looked up and saw Niall's beautiful face. He looked into my eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, and then smirked, and grinned, and then smiled with an ear to ear smile. That smile.

I couldn't help but smile back. I mean, his beautiful smile made everyone want to smile. Besides, I was glad that he was holding me. It wasn't exactly a hug, but he still had his hands on my biceps, at least he was touching me. It was a really nice feeling just to have Niall right in front of me. I felt warm inside. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I didn't want to look like those girls that his mom hated. And what if his mom came down and saw us? She probably didn't trust me all that much yet.

Then, with that beautiful voice of his, he asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Let me just tell you that I was glad that he hadn't asked me something like, 'Did you not see where you were going?' Or, 'Are you ok?' That would've been embarrassing, like embarrassing.

To answer his question, I said, with a beautiful smile on my face, "How about I cook? Minerva is upstairs doing her video."

I mean, sure, Minerva was like family, but she was hired to be the servant. Since I felt really close to Minerva, I wanted her to take a little break. I was sure Niall's mother wouldn't mind. Right?

Niall looked at me confused and surprised. With his mouth open and his eyes wider than usual.

I guess it was because he knew about my mother and my relationship with her, that he thought I didn't know how to cook. But even with my not-so-good relationship with my mother, my dad had insisted that she taught me how to cook and to be 'useful' around the house. To explain, my parents treated me like the servant. They expected me to know how to cook everything and know everything. They never let me take a break during the day. It was school, chores, and bed. I never got enough sleep because I always had to stay up late doing homework and studying. My father had always said that school got you nowhere and that you were useless sitting in chairs and listening to someone talk about something that you never were going to use in life.

I had never felt the same way. I had always had a pasion for school. I loved going to all of my classes, saying hello to my teacher and my friends, and I liked the feeling of having a penicil in my hand. Then, I liked taliking to my friends in the hallways.

All that had changed when I moved and my dad had become worse.

But enough of my life. Back to real life.

After the confused and surprised look Niall had given me, his features started to relax. I guess he was realizing that if I were to be his girlfriend, I would be a good one. After his features relaxed a bit, he started to smile a bit. Then he gave me that troublemaker smile that made my heart melt until it had turned to steam.

I don't know if it was because I was starting to fall for Niall harder, or because I wasn't thinking, but I sighed. Just imagine you, in your room, after fangirling. That is how I sighed. I don''t know if Niall had heard, but he was grinning even more. I felt my face get hot, but I don't know if he could see me blushing or not.

Then, he broke then silence by saying, "Alright. What are you going to make?"

Once again, my brain wasn't reacting as fast as I wished it were. I had to think about what he had said. My brain was so slow at reacting this time, that I had almost asked him to repeat himself again. So, to not make it more awkward then what it already was, I looked down to make it look like I was thinking.

Finally, my brain had reacted. I said, "Um...I don't know. Whatever you want. What-"

He cut me off, "Just do whatever you want. I bet it is going to be good, whatever you cook."

I thought he was mad at me. So, to make it safe, I asked, "Oh, did-did you want to cook?"

"No. I was going to ask you if you wanted to cook because I was getting lazy. Besides I cook slow and you have to go to school-"

"No." I whined. Hey, I didn't want to go to school when there was two days left of school and there was bullies waiting for me. "Can I just stay here? There's only two more days of school left. They aren't going to be important."

"Well...ok. But I have to convince my mom. You know how she is. She was probably thinking of spending the day with me or something. So I will tell her. What are you going to cook? Eggs? Pancakes? What?"

" about....stawberry shortcakes and one of those yougurt thingies with berries and granola?"

He smiled. "Alright. How long?"

"Like 10 minutes at least."










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