Chapter 21: Niall

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Internet at last!!!!!!! My internet got cut off and my work didn't get saved so . . . 

I had internet on my phone, for those of you who know me personally, but I couldn't post on Wattpad or anything really.

But here I am at last. I hope you guys had asuper wesome holidays, a super awesome 2014 and will have a super awesome 2015!

Oh dear, it's 2015 already. Now we gotta deal with all the, "New Year, New Me," stuff.


Alright now lets get started!


I was in my room wondering how Lucy's day had gone when I decided, I couldn't handle this anymore. I had to tell her, or rather ask her something that had been bothering me.

 I went to Lucy's room and couldn't find her. This was a pretty hard subject and so I turned around to go back to my room. I heard Minerva's and turned back. I heard Minerva saying, " . . . at school? Who made you do this?"

I froze in my tracks. There they were in Lucy's bathroom, and all I knew was that someone had done something to Lucy causing her to do something bad.

Lucy replied, in a very hurt voice, probably crying, "Everyone! Everyone looked at me like I was some sort of criminal. They didn't want me and you guys probably don't want me here either!"

My heart twisted in a knot. How could Lucy think of us like  that? Of course we cared about her and of course we wanted her around. She wasn't annoying and we all loved her. Well, we all loved her in different ways. Even my mom had warmed up to her.

I stepped closer and heard Minerva's response. She was telling Lucy that she was like the little sister she never had and that she shouldn't be doing that. Whatever Lucy had done.

I peeked inside the bathroom and saw that they were both crying. Minerva had her hands cupped around Lucy's face and there was tension, a sad kind of tension.

Something caught my eye. It was a couple of paper towels with something red, probably makeup . . . or blood.

Subconsiouscly, without thinking about it, I looked at Lucy's arm and it took me a while to realize that Lucy had been cutting herself. At first I thought that she had accidently cut herself, but based on wat Minerva had asked, probably not.

Lucy's arm had bloody lines on them and Minerva seemed to be trying to tell Lucy how inportant she was to everyone. I could tell Lucy didn't want to believe anything.

"My family doesn't love me! My father hurt me and wanted to rape me!" She ran her hands through her hair and cried some more. "I can't stand this anymore! It's like the whole world hates me and doesn't want me around!"

Minerva wrapped her arms around Lucy and hugged her tight. "That's not true Lucy. Think about every good thing that has happened in your life. The good people. Some people are just jealous and that's why they are mean. Other people have problems in their home and feel like they have to release their anger by hurting other people. I know it sounds messed up but it just happens. We have to be strong and ignore those people. If we don't, they will end up breaking our spirit and they will know they have succeeded in bringing us down. We can't let that happen. I know it will be hard but try to ignore them. Remember that you are worth it and that there are many people out there who would be willing to help you if you ever need help. Not everyone is mean."

Lucy didn't reply and I saw that her eyes were closed. Maybe she had fallen asleep or something. I stepped into the bathroom and made Minerva jump a bit.

"Why does Lucy think she isn't worth it?"

Minerva shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's because her father messed her brain up. She once told me that her father told her he regretted having her as a daughter because she was too ugly."

"But . . . that's not true."

"I know it's not but all we can do now is convince her that we care about her." She sighed. "She has had many problems in her life and we can't just let her brake." She rubbed Lucy's arm and then she looked over at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just . . . this makes me sad. Why would Lucy think that we don't want her around?"

"I don't know. I think she had a hard day at school and people told her something that made her think she was . . . someone . . . I don't know."

"You think her life is ever going to get better?"

"Yeah. But I don't know when it will change. Let's hope it's soon."

"Yeah." We stayed silent for a while until I got the nerve to ask a quesion that had been bothering me ever since Lucy came. "Minerva, why do you feel so close to Lucy? It's like you just clicked when you saw each other."

"Um, I don't know. I just saw her and felt close to her. I felt like I had to protect her. Kind of like she was my little sister. It's . . . weird. Sometimes I get myself scared but I guess that's just how it is."

"I've heard that's how people feel when they have found long-lost relatives."

She sighed. "I don't think so. If my parents still lived, I would go up to them and ask them what the deal is. Maybe we are related. Maybe we aren't."

"You should probably do a DNA test. Or something."

"I don't think we have enough proof to say that we are related. It's just a feeling, nothing else. A DNA test would be a little too dramatic right now. Don't you think?"



Alright that is it for today! Not as long as last chapter, but oh well.

Oh and Feliz Dia de Los Reyes!!! For those of you who celebrate it. Hope you get a lot of presents and eat a piece of Rosca for me.


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