Chapter 9: Niall

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My mother wanted to talk to Lucy, and now they have been in there a long time. I wonder if Lucy is already dead. You know my mother hates Lucy, and I am scared.

I heard some crying and then silence. What was my mom telling Lucy?

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Lucy came out. She looked really, really tired and about ready to fall asleep. I said hi and she smiled sleepily then she closed her eyes and she couldn't open them anymore. She sleepily said hi and then she said she was going to go to her bedroom, but she couldn't move, so I offered to take her. Halfway through, she fell asleep, so I had to carry her. Surprisingly, she was light so I didn't stumble while carrying her.

When we got to her room, I put her down on the chair thing, and I arranged her bed so she could sleep well. I carried her over to her bed and pulled the covers over her. I sat next to her listening to her calm breath, seeing how her shoulders calmly moved up and down. After a while, I realized I was falling asleep. Just looking at her being so calm, and hearing her breath was so relaxing to me, that I wanted to sleep too.

I forced myself to stay awake. I finally decided to go check on my mom see how she was doing.

I went into my mom's room, and found her crying her heart out. I wanted to go ask her what was wrong and hug her, but when she looked at me, she yelled, "Go away!!! Leave me alone!!!!" I felt really bad, but I understood that she needed some time to relax and calm down.

Heading towards my room, I saw Minerva.

I see Minerva as my sister, almost like an older sister. We are close and we have this sixth sense thing where we know what we are feeling. Minerva, I feel, is better at that because she also knows what Lucy is feeling, and the weird thing is that they have only known each other for like three days. Weird huh?

Minerva smiled at me with her 'ear to ear gummy smile.' She said, "Hey Niall. You can't sleep either, or what?"

"No, I just wanted to see how my mom was ,doing, but..." My voice cracked. I didn't mean to get emotional, but just thinking of my mom yelling at me for the first time in my life, was heartbreaking.

"But what? What happened? Is she okay?"

"Y-yeah. She's...okay. She It's okay, she's okay."

She looked at me like, 'I know you are lying, but I won't push you.' "Okay." She started heading towards her room.

"Wait! Can"

She smiled warmly, "Ok. C'mon."

We went into her room which was sea green. There's was a window on the right side and on the left there was a vanity thing. Next to that, there was a shelf thingy with lipsticks and other kinds of makeup. On the wall where the door is, there was a shelf with 16 windows. I think a four by four storage thing from Ikea. In front of it, diagonally, was a white chair with holes in the back, a camera, and a one of those mirrors that is as tall as you. Minerva said that she used that to practice for her future YouTube channel. I heard her once, and she was good.

We went into her bedroom, which was hidden like a closet. When you got into her bedroom, the first thing you saw was the bed and the window.

We sat on the bed, and we started talking.

Her first question, "Do you actually like Lucy?"

"Yes, of course. She is beautiful and amazing and she is the best. She is so unlike the other girls. I feel like we already have a best friend connection. You know? We only have each other. Just us three. Why?"

"Well, we might be related. I don't know. I feel this one connection...whatever. Tell me everything you feel about Lucy. Ever since you saw her."

"The very first time I saw her, I thought I had died and I was seeing an angel. I swear, something made want to say, 'Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?' I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Like right then and there. The love that I have for her is...limitless. I love her. She's different from the other girls." A took a deep breath and sighed. I was telling the whole truth.

When I looked at Minerva she was raising her brows and looking around, like this was awkward. "Ooo...k... So then you are in love with her. Huh?"

"Yeah, duh."

"I have hope that she won't treat you like the other girls, and that you guys can get together."

"Yeah, me too. Anyways, when are you going to start your YouTube channel? You, yourself, know that you are very good at talking to a camera."

"I don't know when I am going to start. I mean, I need an idea for the name, and then I need a good video editor. Then I need an idea of the theme, you know, like just makeup? Or other beauty stuff like nails?"

" are addicted to coffee, so you should name it something like...I don't know. Something that has to do with coffee. Don't you think?"

"Yeah maybe. But how much hate am I going to get? I don't want to get bullied. I want my channel to be all about kindness and love, not hate. What if the subbies fight with each other and they get me involved?"

"It will be fine. Wait, I have an idea! How about you introduce your channel before you start the actual videos? Like, how about you tell your future 'subbies,' like you call them, a little bit about yourself and how you were bullied?"

"Yeah that's a good idea. But why did we stop talking about Lucy? I had other questions."


She laughed, and she looked pretty with that gummy smile of hers, but without all that makeup that she liked to put on. "Ok, my next question. What if you see your ex-crush, America, but Lucy is there, and she knows your ex-crush?"

"Uh..." Hard one. "I...don't think Lucy knows America. I mean, after all, America is older than me, which means she is definetly older than Lucy... Lucy is 17, right?"

She nodded.

"Oh ok. Well yeah, America is probably in college right now. Or she probably is already working with the police. Don't you think? She is only, probably, three years younger than you."

Her eyes widened. "You are saying she is 25?"

"No. What? No, of course not. She is like 21, or 22."

"You thought I was the one that was 25?" She asked surprised, like I was insulting her or something.

"Um...are you 25, or are you younger?'

She laughed, not just a giggle, but one of her super loud laughs that can wake you up. "You are cute. Thanks for that compliment. Do I really look 25?"


Her smile faded so quickly. "So, you were joking?"

"I mean, sometimes you look 25, other times you look 18, and other times you look 23."

She sighed like she was reliefed. Weird. "Oh ok." Then, she smiled at me warmly, but with a look that told you she's thinking you are dumb in a cute way. "You don't know how old I am, do you?"

I shook my head. I mean, what else could I say? It was the truth.

"Niall, it's cute how you think I am younger than what I really am. I am 28, not 25 or younger. Are you sure I look younger?"


She looked away. "Do you think Lucy looks like me?"

"Yeah. Weirdly. When I first saw her, I wondered why she looked familiar. Then, when I saw both of you together, I understood why she looked familiar. I was like, 'Duh, she looks like Minerva!' I think you should do a DNA test to see if you guys are actually related. I mean, even though you look alike, there are some things you guys don't have in common."

"Okay. We will."

Hey guys! Follow my IG and Facebook page; After Dark Series. There, you will know what the characters look like, when I won't be able to update, my schedule for updating, and when I am going to be asking for your help, plus lots of other things. Please remember to vote for this story, tell your friends about it, and follow me so I can follow you back. Keep in mind that this is considered a One Direction fanfic because of Niall, but the main purpose of this story is for those who are victims of any type of abuse.

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