5 A Bitter Death

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2651 B.C.E. City of Tmari-on-the-Euphrates,

Winter, Month of Kissimelu, Nine Months after Mara's Rebirth


My veil is yanked and pulled. I bite my tongue when a particular hard tug makes my eyes water in pain. I wriggle and wiggle and squirm, but can't get free, no matter how I try. With a huff, I lie down under the hedgerow.

Mushu's face pops in front of my own with a squeak. Curiosity shines in his bright orange eyes.

"I'm stuck," I whisper to him.

As predicted, my gargoyle falls over, laughing and snorting at my predicament.

"It's not that funny, Moosh. Now what am I supposed to do?" I hiss.

Getting out of the temple complex this morning was easier than sneaking back in. Much easier. I only had to follow the deliverymale who dropped off the meats for Postite Banio and I was free to wander the city at will.

Of course, I wasn't alone. Mushu and Mishu accompanied me while Momo stood 'lookout,' which is his way of avoiding the latest adventure to nap in my bed. He ate too much grief yesterday and needed to sleep it off.

I have snuck out three times, never getting caught. But, this morning, my curiosity got the better of me and I stayed to watch the orphans at the Mother temple play in the fountains. I overstayed, and missed the second delivery to Nateos' temple.

Mushu showed me this little hole in the hedgerow, stuck in between our temple property and the temple of the War gods' most exalted warriors. It lies near their eastern gate and our western gate. It isn't their House mausoleum, it was built during one of the Sands wars over a century ago and is still in use today. No one ever seems to come behind the building, where these thick bushes were planted between our graven hills and the quiet, grey stone building of the victims of war. Convenient, right?

Only if I can wiggle free of the branches and make it back inside the temple without anyone seeing me.

"Pull," I whisper to Mushu.

He yanks on my hands and I move... not at all. I wiggle again, my hips aren't budging. Mishu is pressing on my bum, chortling and smacking the flesh as if I'm made of dough he can squish down.

"That didn't work," I mutter.

Momo suddenly appears, his eyes shining with mirthful glee. I guess his nap is over. He and his brother start to dig, to enlarge the hole under me, both chortling their grating laughs, when suddenly they stop.

Ears perk, eyes narrow, hissing noises are spit from their gaping mouths full of sharp teeth. Both gargoyles disappear, and I can hear Mishu behind me snarling at the threat that has appeared.

My heart dips when I hear a deep male's voice. "Is this the trespasser, Nanto?"

Large hands grab my ankles and pull - in the wrong direction.

I think it's safe to say that my scream may actually wake the dead.

"Easy, female!" the War soldier who pulled me out of the hole is laughing. His companion is also chuckling, his arms held loose at his sides.

Both of them stop laughing when I scramble to my feet, my veil dislodging and falling away.

"You are the Flame," the second male breaths in astonishment.

I gape right back at them. They are not soldiers of War, not at all. They are Recondites, shadow warriors, protectors of the gods. They are scary. Of all the creatures in the world to catch me scurrying under a bush...

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