25 Pain and Pleasure... and Pain

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A/N - Smut in this chapter - finally ;)

2651 B.C.E., City of Tmari-on-the-Euphrates

Early Fall, Month of Ululu, One Year and Six Months after Mara's Rebirth


When I return to the death temple my Sprite is gone.

Hanish went with her, according to the recruits assigned to patrol. She took Poppy and the old male, the Patriarch, as well.

Nothing that would anger me, except that she went back to the Fourth District. Esa told me how spanking can be erotic and pleasurable. I should consider it.

When I land at the burned husk of the house that we rescued Poppy from I find my terrified little baby clutching Death's Patriarch and crying silently as her mother sorts through the still-smoldering ash of the house.

I gently take Poppy from the old male as he gives me a strained smile of thanks.

"Shh, poppet. Papa's here," I pat her back as she turns to me to weep in my arms. Scowling, I stalk closer to my errant female.

"You burned their bodies before they were given any rites, Captain," she snaps at me before I can say anything. Bending, she scoops up ash from the house into the clay jar. I stare at her gently rounded ass. Her fiery temper is seductive all on its own, but it does little to dull my anger with her.

"Their souls are trapped here. I had to spend hours in the library looking for a solution," she continues to scold me.

Eyes are watching us. Hostile gazes as they look out on the Recondite Captain who showed such violence towards their own and the female they blame for his merciless actions.

I let me wings spread out a little, the talons on my hands click together in a show of readiness. Let these Fourth House bastards come at me.

Hanish approaches me warily. "Captain."

"Why did you allow this?" I growl out.

Hanish nods, accepting blame. "She is stubborn, your female, and..." he takes a deep breath, eyes going to the red-haired baby in my arms before his voice drops lower. "She was agitated, Captain. Pale, distressed. I could feel it, Captain. I could feel the god, Death himself, in the air around her."

"My female brought our child here, to this place that holds such horrific memories. She has endangered both herself and Poppy. You couldn't bring this to my attention earlier?"

He reddens, his stare slightly accusatory. "I heard where you were, Captain. Didn't know if you wanted to be interrupted."

"Anywhere I am, you fucking interrupt me, understand?" I rub Poppy's back soothingly when she flinches at my tone.

He nods, a muscle in his jaw ticking as he turns back to scan the neighborhood for threats.

I shouldn't explain myself. No one, other than Belen, needs to know that the Captain of the Recondites went to ask a prostitute how to please a female.

But Hanish is a trustworthy male. "I was merely asking her questions. I can't remember anything about pleasuring..." my voice trails off as I recall the bundle of innocence nestled in my arms.

Hanish snorts, then barks out a laugh. "Sounds like you, Captain." He relaxes, clapping me on the back. "Where's Belen?"

"He is busy not asking questions," I tell him wryly.

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