33 Cryptic Messages

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2650 B.C.E., City of Tmari-on-the-Euphrates

Winter, Month of Tebetu, One Year and Ten Months after Mara's Rebirth


"Mara, the Lady Sera is here."

I come awake with a start. My sleep is easily disrupted lately. Every so often there is some sort of noise as the First House tests the defenses of War and the Recondites. I have been sleeping fitfully. The gnawing hunger in my belly doesn't help. My concentration is wavering. It's become hard to focus on anything more than cuddling Poppy and sleeping.

Belen is standing in front of me, looking haggard.

"Belen? How did you find us?" I ask, stupidly.

He cracks an exhausted grin. "You're Nateos' daughter, Mara. You decided to hide in a mausoleum." His smile fades, "it's a good hiding spot, this place. Secure." A shadow dances across his face.

I look away from his bright green cat-eyes. He misses Thelios, too. My stomach rumbles. I prick my own tongue with the tiny fangs that spring out at even the thought of my male.

"Have you heard anything from him, Belen?" I ask softly.

I look back at him just in time to see his forehead pinch together in a glower. "Lady Sera said she has news. She wants to talk to us, just you and me."

I carefully stand on sore legs with Belen's help, making sure that Poppy is tucked under the blankets securely with Tafia. I kiss my daughter's soft cheek, blinking back tears. She has shadows under her eyes. I can see them even when she's asleep.

I follow Belen, making sure to nudge Alnue awake as we leave so that he knows to follow us. Momo wakes up, too, and the two gargoyles stick close to us as we leave the mausoleum.

Sera is juggling a baby, the tiny thing fussing, a warning that a cry is imminent. Standing next to her is a female wearing a saffron sash. I have a feeling that it isn't a disguise. This female is a prostitute. The unknown female is glaring at the Fourth House female, a moue of disgust twisting her features.

"Esa, why don't you slip back to bed, love?" Belen says to the prostitute softly.

I smile. He loves her. Then my smile falls. Love, that bitch.

Esa says nothing in response, but the sideways look she tosses Belen's way speaks volumes.

"Sera," I say coolly. Both females turn to me. Esa's eyes widen on me, while Sera has a hard time meeting my gaze.

"You're her," Esa whispers.

"I told you I knew her. Saved her life, too," Belen brags jokingly, trying to break the tension. Esa smacks him gently with the back of her hand without ever taking her eyes from me.

"Hello, Lady Grief, I'm Esa," she bows her head slightly.

"Hello Esa, it's nice to meet you," I say. I'm tired. Too tired for polite pleasantries in the middle of a war, but Esa is important to Belen so I make the effort.

"I know you have so many things to do," Esa begins to say. I smile weakly. I have sleep to do, actually. "But, I wanted to thank you for the gold. It is helping... you have no idea how much it is helping."

Her thanks startles me out of my starving, exhausted fog. Belen gave her some of the money? I look at him and he explains, "some of the females Esa... ah... knows... can buy out their debt."

I feel a genuine smile cross my face. "That's good," I say.

"We can be free from the Houses, with that money. We may be some of the only Acera left," Esa muses sadly. "A bunch of whores and orphans." She slides a knowing glance at the baby in Sera's arms.

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