69 Silver-Tongued War

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Time Immortal, Fields of the Lost, The Eastern Gate, The Underworld


"Ahhhhhh!" Thelios roars, the sound reverberating across the grey plains of the Lost. More souls are pouring over the hills of the Lost towards the Eastern Gate, their bodies twisted, their mouths held in twisted grimaces of pain. Other souls, greyed and withered as if left forgotten on a shelf for too long, fight side-by-side with the Basru and War.

The ghosts stay far from War, though. They are leery of the brutal carnage my brother and I are delivering. Souls can't die here, so we are forced to rip them limb from limb to keep the attackers down.

Adding fuel to this fire of War burning in our guts is the fear for Our Heart.

Because where the fuck is she?!

And, most importantly, is she in the midst of these bloodthirsty, vicious souls?

I can feel the bond thrumming, the faint pulse of my Princess. She is feeling... heavy... in pain. But I don't understand this pain. Even the War in me is confused, ancient fuck that he is.

My sweet Mara is always doing something impossible, performing some miracle or magic, but this is a new sensation.

It's odd enough that part of me dismisses it. If she were truly in trouble Thelios and I would know.

I still need to know where she is, however. The instinct to take her to the forests in the north is battling with knowledge that Our Heart is a goddess, as capable as any warrior of making her own decisions.

Except in our bed. There, we are her masters.

A full-body shudder rakes through me and suddenly it's a little more uncomfortable to move. A deranged attacker flies at me, spittle foaming on his lips. I stab him right through his throat, up into his jaw, into his brain and out of the back of his head. My other hand plunges into his guts and my claws rip his intestines free. His eyes widen in pure shock and pain, while I think about my Princess.

Dark eyes on me, legs splayed open, a treasure of dips of curves, soft flesh and sweetly-scented skin. And gods, that hair. I could wrap myself in it. I adore every bit of her, but I have to admit that I love her mouth the most. Shit, maybe her tits? No, her mouth. Gods, the things she says and does...

"What the fuck are you thinking about?" Thelios asks me, while shaking a soul off of his claws. "You have an idiotic grin on your face."

"Our Heart's lips. I think that is my favorite part of her. Her mouth," I tell him, grinning.

"Her mouth? That's your favorite part of our female?" he snickers at me.

"Yes," I get defensive as I pick up one attacker and use his head as a battering ram to send another flying. The battering ram then loses his spine to my claws. "Why, what do you like the best?"

"Her ass," comes the prompt reply. "Gods, that sweet ass. Fuck," he says, smiling.

I look at him and scoff, "tell me I didn't look that idiotic."

Thelios' smile falls as he glares at me, sending his knee into his next victim's chest over and over until the ribcage breaks apart and blood and bone spills.

"You did," Belen confirms as he darts past us.

We both glare at the laughing Basru Commander. I turn back to Thelios, "you can't pick something sexual about Our Heart to like the best."

He frowns. "You named a feature, so I did. Her ass isn't why I adore her. You named her lips, for fuck's sake." He punches an attacker in the head hard enough to shake loose several teeth and send him flying backwards.

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