34 Bloodletting

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2650 B.C.E., Tombs of the Forgotten in the Desert

Winter, Month of Tebetu, One Year and Ten Months after Mara's Rebirth


At this moment, I wish for nothing more than to faint.

Unconsciousness would be absolutely splendid. Then, I wouldn't see Momo attack Thane with a stinky sock. Or Mishu and Mushu throw rocks at him... and miss.

I also wouldn't see Alnue scrambling up Thane's leg and biting his wrist, then trying to fill his vial, that I thought was filled with sacred water, with Thane's blood.

"No, you little shit! No more bloodletting!" Thane shakes his wrist furiously, dislodging my gargoyle. Harku winds his way around my legs, staring at the scene with his ears laid flat on his head. I can feel the little beastie trembling. I thought he was so upset at leaving his temple, or with Momo's sock, but now I'm wondering if my gargoyles knew about this, about him.

Alnue flies off and lands close by, black eyes glaring at the undead, returned First House Lord.

"All of the blood I've been drinking in the wine... It all came from him?" I hear myself ask Alnue.

He halts his scampering charge towards Thane and tosses me a guilty look.

"I've been drinking his blood," I confirm. There's a strange buzzing noise in my head. Are there mourners here?

"Is it for you, Princess?" Thane smiles at me. "I thought it was just another torture, albiet an odd one," he says thoughtfully. He blocks Momo's hands absently, deftly avoiding sharp teeth and ignoring his hissing curses.

I've lost my mind. That's it. Thane isn't really here. Momo isn't trying to suffocate him with a sock. Alnue isn't eyeing his wrist with stubborn calculation. 

Desert flies are blown into my eyes, little black spots that I try to wave away with a suddenly limp hand.

"Princess?" Thane steps toward me, concern in his eyes. I try to suck in a breath. The last time I saw his eyes they were panicked, full of anger and desperation as he tore my heart out with his cruel rejection. How can he look at me so softly now?

"Mara, breathe!"

Oh, now I faint.



I catch my Lady in my arms just before she hits the ground.

I have to pause for a moment. I knew I would see her again, of course, that is my purpose here. But... to hold her, to see her, to hear her speak...

My entire world centers on her, the balance that my demon and I have sought for so long is back. Whatever happened in the past, this is my Princess and I am her Captain and it is so right.

I pick her up. She is slight... too thin. I look to my right, where the ugly little stone goblin is creeping closer, his beady black eyes fixed on the pulse in my wrist.

"She needs to drink blood?" I ask it.

He nods, hissing something that sounds remarkably similar to "yuuurssss."

I look up at the Postites of Death standing around me. "She needs water and to be taken to the shade" I order.

Two of them step forward, eyes wide on me. I am pleased with their gentleness as they pick her up. It's hard to let her go, but her pulse is fluttering too rapidly and I need to deal with the goblins. I will fulfill my duties to her, first.

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