29 A Feast, A Wedding, A Fight

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Time Immortal, A Cavern, The Underworld


"Holsten, did you try and eat that fucking thing?"

"Maybe, Captain," comes the sheepish answer.

"Gods you're an idiot," Rolle remarks. The sound of flesh hitting flesh comes a moment later.

"If you need to shit, do it over the hellfire," I tell him.

"Over the fire?" Holsten sounds astonished. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want my dick and balls dangling anywhere near the flames of hell.

I wait for a moment, then we all start laughing.

"You're all assholes," Holsten grumbles. He's lying on his blanket, clutching his belly. His face is green.

"We're the assholes?" Ililie asks, still chuckling.

"Your asshole is going to be very unhappy with you, my friend," I tell him.

"What the fuck does shitting out a demon feel like?" Grey muses thoughtfully.

"Shut up!" Holsten groans.

We all laugh quietly. Grinning, I let my eyes drift shut.

What have you done?!

I am on my feet, fangs bared in a snarl, scales rippling across my neck and back, sword in hand, before the lady in front of me can finish speaking.

"Love," I spit out. I know it's her, even if she is wearing the form of someone I don't recognize.

What have you done?"

She asks again.

I keep silent. I have no idea what she's asking about. And, quite frankly, I don't care about whatever has angered the shrew.

You have sworn yourself to her! You have betrayed your bonded wife, your House!

Oh, is that the problem? "I have righted a wrong I committed," I tell her. "I am paying my price."

The goddess is incandescent with fury. Her eyes are glowing, bright with madness. Without another word, she leaves, dissolves into nothing.

"Who was that pretty piece of ass, Captain?" Grey is sitting up, staring at the spot that the goddess was just occupying.

"The goddess, Love," Lier replies for me.

I slowly lower my sword. "I don't trust her."

"Wise of you," Lier replies.

He and I share a glance. We are the Basru, we belong to Death, so why is Love visiting me in the Underworld?


2651 B.C.E., City of Tmari-on-the-Euphrates

Early Winter, Month of Kissilimu, One Year and Nine Months after Mara's Rebirth


Oh gods, Nateos. My stomach is cramping from nervousness.

I am with you

Always, I hope. But, even the presence of my father, peering over my shoulder, isn't enough to quell the nerves in my stomach.

Especially because my gargoyles aren't here. They came with me as far as the gates to the Fifth District, then stopped. The beasties who braved the Forgotten tombs in the desert for a week won't step foot in this district.

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