55 Bathing in the River

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Time Immortal, the River Crone, The Underworld


Once there was a time that I thought my Princess bathing in her sacred pool was the most beautiful sight that could ever exist.

I was wrong.

This... this is something simply magical. She moves with sensuous grace, her body rocking gently in time with the river's current. Her eyes are closed as she rubs her hands through her hair. It's slick from the river, tangles and curls of dampened flame that flow down her back. She looks peaceful. Did she ever look so happy and relaxed in the above? I can't... I don't think I ever saw her that way. Her red lips are curved in delicate smile. Gold dust shimmers over her nose and cheekbones.

The oil from the Crone River flows over her gorgeous body. Holy gods, her curves. They're not as thick as they were before, but they are still so sweet. My fingers twitch as she rubs the water over her belly, her thighs. I should volunteer to help her scrub. I have larger palms, I can do a good job of cleaning her.

But I don't touch her. Those days, all alone in the above. Starving. It nearly shattered her. All my fault, isn't it? Sure, I can blame Love and the damned First House, but she was always mine to protect and twice I have failed her.

I won't fail again. I will protect her with my soul.

Which means I can't destroy Lier. He is Basru again. I can fucking feel the connection. My adorable, forgiving Princess gave him a second chance.

I nod at the dark male, dismissing him. He doesn't need to stay by the river to guard her now that Thelios and I are here. My brother slams the flat of his hand on Belen's back before he motions for the green-eyed male to leave.

Thelios and I step forward together.

Mara inhales, her body tightening as if the chords between us just tightened. Thelios steps into the river as she spins around, but I stay on the dock. I won't intrude, no matter how badly I want her to be mine.

"Thelios," she gasps out. Her eyes don't even flit over me. I'm invisible, unworthy, rejected.

"I almost wondered if it was all a hallucination," she smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck. He returns her embrace, looking intently down at her face.

"My Sprite," he murmurs, peppering her face with kisses, hands roving over her bare body. He pulls back just enough to wipe her tears and let his eyes wander with his hands. "You are well, love? Still hungry? Are you cold in the water? Sprite, I'm so fucking sorry about everything. I couldn't remember you. How could I forget you?"

"Shh, my heart, I know," she shushes him, slim fingers covering his lips. "Don't dwell on the past."

My limbs are numb. My eyes burn but I don't drop my gaze. I need to see her happiness, even if it's in my brother's arms. Don't dwell in the past, but what I did can't be forgiven so easily. Fuck, it shouldn't be forgiven.

She kisses him. Pulls his head down and fuses her mouth to his in a carnal acknowledgment of her male. I see her body quiver, pressing into him as if every piece of her recognizes him as hers.

Thelios groans, a half-moan, half-growl that makes Mara laugh softly as she pulls away. "There's my demon male," she teases him.

"He has missed you like fucking nothing else, Sprite."

"I love you," she says, smiling.

The groan slips from my lips before I can stop it. It hurts. I think I would rather be in chains, dangling in the pit of the damned, rather than be here. At least then I thought that Parijan was still mine. Maybe she is. Maybe the memories of my sweet Fated are all I have. She is gone forever and Mara isn't mine.

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