14 Happy Birthday, Mara

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2651 B.C.E., City of Tmari-on-the-Euphrates

Summer, Month of Tamuzu, One Year and Four Months after Mara's Rebirth


"We do not accept a declaration of death until a full year has passed," Patriarch says strongly. I stiffen. The First House shifts uncomfortably on their feet. So, they knew about this policy, even if I didn't.

"Is there anything else?" Patriarch snaps.

"My cousin has been attacked," Anthea blurts out, her blue eyes darting between her crazed mother-in-law and my shrouded, veiled self. "We wish to ask for your help. No one else seems to have a solution to help her."

"Your cousin?" Patriarch Salbin asks.

A figure stands. A bowed head, shrouded in even darker, deeper robes than I am. I peer at the figure curiously. It looks like a wraith, like what children think ghosts look like. If only they knew...

"Who are you?" I ask. The grief... the thick, honey-substance of the darkest grey... it's familiar to me.

"She doesn't speak," Anthea interrupts. "Her name is Sera. Her throat has been damaged by an attack from an unseen beast. She... we think she is grieving."

Sera. Nateos... can this be Tafia's Sera?

Happy Birthday, Daughter

I am eighteen today. I forgot all about my own birthday.

Wait, 'happy birthday?' Is Sera supposed to be some sort of gift?

A friend

My father laughs as if I should have somehow figured that out on my own. I couldn't have possibly known what he intended. I'm left reeling from his 'gift.'

Lady Anthea is still speaking, "-her intended, her Fated, rejected her after the attack-"

"Enough," I interrupt her coldly. Her Fated, bah, the male that the Fourth House tried to saddle Sera with. She lost her Fated, rejected Tafia, because of that faithless male and her unholy House. Does Anthea know why Sera is grieving? The real reason? I'll bet she does, the witch.

"My father is only mildly appeased with the life of... your bonded," I grit out, "I wonder... what else will be lost before your House has regained the favor of Death?"

Silence reigns in the temple. Lady Kaimi is gaping, her mouth opening and shutting in anger, like a fish. Anthea has retreated even further away from me. She is staring at me as if I am a nightmare come to life.

Sera remains, head bowed, looking so defeated. Tafia is awake, but incognizant, or so I'm told. Is Sera also suffering the same way? Awake, but only half-alive?

"Come with me," I order. I hold out my hand to Sera. Momo grasping my other hand tightly. He hisses when she steps forward, her motions stilited, and takes my hand. No argument, no passion or sense of self-preservation.

"Where are you taking her?" Anthea cries out.

"To the sacred pool," I tell her. "To ask for forgiveness for her lies, since she cannot beg for herself."

Sera's hand lies in my grip, limp and lifeless. Even when I mention her lies, there is no reaction. My heart is racing. I need to try to fix this.

I turn to Patriarch Salbin. He is standing next to me, projecting a sense of calm. He probably thinks that my father told me to take Sera to the pool, but really I just need to get her away from these harpies.

Mara - The Lady Grief (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now