63 Beautiful Crow

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Time Immortal, The Palace of Irkalla, City of Ersetu, The Underworld


I roll over delicately. Urto has given the twins his alertness. I don't know how much sleep any of us have had, but we're all good at pretending.

Thane's thigh shifts, keeping my legs parted around him. It's not an unpleasant feeling. Thelios lays in front of me, and I'm trying to create enough room between us to look at his wound.

I wiggle my bum against Thane, encouraging the male to move back. He doesn't budge. Well, part of him moves, poking me in the bottom and making Thane moan lightly in my ear. "My Heart," he says sleepily, nuzzling the top of my head. "Are you hungry, my Princess?"

"Um..." I am hungry, "no."

He chuckles. "You are. Would you prefer we put on clothes?"

"Yes," another lie.

His chest is vibrating with silent laughter behind me.

"What are you doing, Firesprite?" Thelios rolls his hips against my stomach.

It certainly feels like everything is... back. With emphasis.

"I was worried about..." my voice drifts off. It just occurred to me that Thelios cut off his own parts. Sort of. If Urto cut off... and now he's part of Thelios, then...

"Frightened a little?" Thane says softly.

"Yes," this time I'm not lying.

"It's not easy for us, either, Princess, but we will go slow for you."

I pause. Thane is cupping my belly, the back of his hand trapped in between my and Thelios. Thelios is running his thumb over my elbow, that innocent, small motion sending prickles of awareness down my spine.

"What do you remember?" I ask them.

"Lots of things. Some don't make sense, some seem impossible," Thane responds.

"What about me?" I ask.

"Your beauty. Pain. Loss."

"Loneliness," Thelios adds quietly.

"How do I know if you're you, or him?"

"We are both, our Heart. But... War loves you. Regardless of who we are, every part of us loves you," Thane swears his love for me while I stare into his brother's grey-green eyes. They silently echo his brother's sentiments.



This is what we wanted. To be gods, to be with our female. Unfortunately, we have a leech of a god who attached himself to us both. I have a headache from the urge pounding in my brain to grab up my Firesprite and run to the northern forests.

That shit is all War; the urgency to claim her, the desire to hide her away, the need to isolate her from everyone else.

I try to content myself with breathing her in. I can feel her body move in tune with my brother and I. We are like one being, but there is something that niggles at the back of my mind. A threat that looms and a voice that calls me 'papa.'

I edge closer to my goddess even as she tries to wiggle away.

A flash of memory hits me. Another female, cloying, scenting of sex and smug superiority, clinging to me as I try to edge away.

I would think the roles reversed, that my Heart feels as if she needs to get away from me, but her hands are wrapped around my bicep and they aren't pulling my arm off. Maybe she's just uncomfortable. I tense my body, to keep from crushing her too tightly.

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