56 Battle of Words

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Time Immortal, Palace of Irkalla, City of Ersetu, The Underworld


Was it only a little while ago I felt so alone? I don't anymore.

My two Fated males, my twin Princes, would be enough to keep me from loneliness. But they are not all that I have. Not even close.

In my father's throne room are gathered souls and gods and beasts alike. Many of them I count as my own family.

My father and mother are seated on their thrones. My father looked every inch the Lord of the Underworld, King of Ersetu, God of Death. Expressionless, his dark eyes hold ancient wisdom and secrets. His skin is pale, almost grey, as though he was carved from the plainest of stone for the express purpose of instilling fear and dread into anyone unlucky enough to look at him.

My mother is softer, but those warm light eyes are glaring hard at a spot on the wall. I know, instinctively, that her facade of haughty aloofness is just that; a facade.

My Basru is lined in a spearpoint to my right, behind Thane their Captain. They are arrayed in order to be most effective in an attack. Holsten and Grey are the farthest outside warriors, stone demons, both of them. Protectors, skin harder than granite if need be. Next are Carnak and Rolle, wolven shifters, strong attackers. Just past them are Ililie and Nasir, both fast as can be. The deadly tip of the spear is Lier.

Winding through their legs are my five gargoyles. They look especially ferocious today. Even Harku looks angry.

Rasted and Gired are lurking behind me, my deadly assassins already showing signs of hating being contained in this room. Interestingly enough, no one pays them any attention. They are moving around with nearly frenetic energy, but everyone looks through them as if they are ghosts.

Poppy is behind my mother's throne, Erra standing next to her. His blue eyes never stop moving as he assesses the room for threats. What am I saying? That male sees everyone as a threat. He's probably planning the best way to kill us all.

I hear a purr and turn my head, smiling as my cats appear. "Taffy-kitty! Belen-cat!" I stroke their dark, silky heads.

"Did she just call that cat me?" Belen asks. He stands with my Basru.

I look at him, then at Belen-cat. But... Belen is here. And he doesn't seem to be missing his cat... "Who are you?" I whisper to the male cat.

He purrs and begins to groom himself.

"Why would you name a wild leopard after me?" Belen asks.

I use Belen-cat's strategy and ignore the question.

"At last, the prodigal daughter returns. Though, she should have never been allowed to leave this place." Inanji speaks in a biting tone. She, too, has several souls here... unfortunately. They drip in gold and silver and copper, fine, gilded souls. The throne room is a crowded place today.

"And why not?" my father asks. "She was born in the above."

"She has brought utter devastation to the above!" Inanji cries out. "A plague of the undead, of death-bringing magic!"

"And she destroyed those creatures, Inanji," my father snarls.

"Still, perhaps we would not be remiss to... find a way to control the child," a third voice chimes in. Enlal. I didn't see her at first. She has surrounded herself with houseplants, guards, and servants who blend into the background as much as their goddess does.

I feel as though I have walked into an argument already taking place. I look around surreptitiously. I don't see Pir. Or Mardu, not that I would necessarily recognize either god. Urto is here. He is standing by himself, arms crossed as he leans against a pillar, looking relaxed. He has no servants or guards like the goddesses. I'm struck, once again, by just how lonely the god appears to be. His eyes are red instead of green as he stares intently at me, then my males. I can't tell what he is thinking, but both Thane and Thelios step in front of me, partially, their bodies taut with readiness.

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