66 Fountain of Red

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Time Immortal, Mausoleum at Irkalla, City of Ersetu, The Underworld


It takes two days for Lier to send word through one of Mara's assassins back to her. Gired and Rasted are invaluable as spies because they can't be seen, but they can write. Mara came up with the idea of using charcoal sticks to communicate. The assassins simply needed to find Mara's brother. He's in Ersetu, with Inanji. Word has spread through the city that the Lady Grief is going to be questioned about her new bonds with the Twins of War.

Mara herself spread those rumors using her Basru. They are the heroes of the Underworld, eclipsing even the Champions of the Arena as local favorites. It's a good lure for the jealous goddess. And now it seems that it has worked.

I sit with Belen, pouring over the map of the city one more time.

"Here, in this Square, is the house where Inanji is located. Lier confirmed that he is trapped in some fancy house, but he wasn't sure how many souls are there with her."

"He'll use the tea tonight," Belen says grimly. "Is your Lady prepared?"

I glance over at Our Heart. She is carefully stirring a small pot of bright red liquid that smells of rotten oranges. Her mouth is moving as she silently talks to herself. Her hair is piled on her head, with wisps and tendrils escaping and sticking out everywhere. Her eyes are stressed and her skin is bright from the heat. She bites her lip and my body responds with the heat that I've learned happens all the time when she's around. My Heart.

At her side is Patriarch Rimon and Blood-letter, who are examining scrolls spread out on the table next to the fire and Mouse, who is cleaning the gleaming surfaces of the cairns over and over.

"She is ready," I confirm. Her cleverness amazes me. I shake my head at the thought of Inanji trying to destroy this female.

"Thelios?" my female calls out.

"Yes, Firesprite?"

"Do you know if Inanji is right-handed or left?"

"Right, my Heart," my brother responds.

"Lier is left-handed," she huffs quietly to herself. She walks to a trunk left open next to the table and checks the items she's packed inside for the dozenth time.

"How will we do this, Our Heart?" I ask her. I know the plan, but I keep her talking to stop the panic that is thrumming just under her beautiful surface.

She takes a breath. "We will have to wait for Inanji to be sleeping. Then, find Anthea. That is a problem. I'm not sure if Erra has had a chance to locate her or not. If we take Inanji's blood from her, unwillingly, then this won't work... I think. So, we need blood freely given. Anthea will have her blood. I hope," she mutters. "So, this liquid will make her vomit out everything she's consumed, including Inanji's blood."

"So," Belen says slowly, "Lier has to drink Anthea's bloody vomit?"

My Heart looks up, "yes?" she says, looking guiltily.

"That's disgusting," Belen says matter-of-factly. "Well, better Lier than me."

Mara shrugs helplessly with tears in her eyes.

"It's the only way to do this, young Belen," Patriarch Rimon states matter-of-factly.

"Then what, Our Heart?" I bring her panic back down easily.

"We perform the burial rites on Anthea, so that she is no longer a Forgotten soul. And, we can take part of Inanji and pour it into Lier."

"Fucking shit, Princess, that's fucking complicated," Belen blurts out.

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