Author's Note

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Mara is 221,000 words long.

I should thank everyone who has been reading this with me on the journey, first and foremost, but... Mara is 221,000 words long.

So, with that out of the way...

Thank you all so very much. There are readers who were with me from the beginning of this story, and I have to say that this feels a little like running a marathon... without the 'running.' So, a great, gigantic hug to all of you who stuck with me! I would name names, but if I forget someone then that would be horrible of me, so you know who you are. ;)

I hope that you enjoyed it!

I wrote Mara, for the most part, on the fly, so if there are any questions, please leave a comment so that I can edit in some answers. If you feel confused, or even if you feel as if parts of the story could be left out, let me know!

I know that there are certain characters who were left dangling in the wind, Anthea, ahem, but I don't want to necessarily wrap up everything in a neat little bow. It's much more fun if she's out there running around free to cause mischief, isn't it?

As for Mara, she and her males are going to live happily ever after, forever, with only daughters, but, shh, don't tell the T's that.

Thank you!

- Leona

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