53 Brothers

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Time Immortal, Palace of Irkalla, the Underworld


We follow Belen deeper into the palace. My brother is talking to him in a low voice, catching him up on the duplicity of Inanji and how she managed to curse him into forgetting all about Mara.

Belen in turn tells Thelios about the Recondites and how my brother, Nisjahn, came to War and began to sway the Recondites to his side of the war. "Then, you killed me. I have no idea what happened after that, obviously."

"Nateos told us that Lier has turned traitor and the Recondites are following him," Thelios says grimly.

They both turn to look at me. I shrug, "he always seemed loyal to Mara to me."

Thelios tosses me a glare at my nonchalance, but Belen seems more wary. "What, exactly, are you now?" he asks me suspiciously.

I heave a sigh. "I am the Captain of the Basru, Belen. I am sworn by oath, on my soul, to protect and serve the Princess of the Underworld."

"Lier was also sworn as a Basru, true?" he continues.

"I love Mara and will never betray her again," I say quietly. "I learned that lesson."

"She loves Thelios," Belen says, his eyes challenging me.

I smirk, stepping up to him, chest to chest. Thelios backs off, knowing that I need to handle this. "Have you ever sacrificed for someone else, Belen? You're a Recondite, sworn to protect all the gods' interests, but here you are, in the palace of Irkalla, in the home of the god of Death. Where did you come from before you joined their ranks? What sort of life did you gain by becoming a Recondite? Your mortal title means as little as mine did."

I step closer so that he has to stiffen his spine uncomfortably, his head tilted just slightly up because I'm a bit taller. "I am the Captain of the Basru. Forged in the Pits of the Underworld, cast into a sharpened blade to serve my Princess and only my Princess."

"Thelios is a Captain of the Recondites-"

"A Captain," I interrupt him. "As he has said, he is one of many. But now he is one of two. Two Princes of this place. Because, Mara is our Fated. Ours. And no one else's."

"Very well said, young warrior."

All three of us turn to face the god. Nateos is sitting on a throne of skulls. His scythe tossed carelessly to one side. His consort is missing, her throne of intricately wrought metal empty beside him. By his morose expression, Queen Kalla is still upset about us... me.

"Lord Nateos," we all offer him bows.

He scoffs, waving us off. "Why bow, Prince Thane? I am just her father. Why listen to a damn word I say?"

I share a knowing glance with Thelios. This unhappy, dare I say whiny, Nateos is new to us.

Nateos tosses a necklace at our feet. I bend and pick it up. Made of seven strands of delicate gold spun into small beads, they hold a pendant with ruby the color of blood spilling.

"What is this?" I ask. There is some terrible meaning in this.

"A gift from Urto."

"For who?" I rasp out, my fingers tightening on the beads. The necklace cuts into my skin, leaving indents in my palm.

"For my daughter. For the female he wishes to court as his Queen."

Thelios erupts. The roar of anguished madness that bellows from his lungs is painful for me to hear. It mixes with my own demon-fury, but I beat it down, force it to obey me. Losing control of my emotions will not win against Urto.

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