64 Pets Are Family, Too

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Time Immortal, The Palace of Irkalla, City of Ersetu, The Underworld


Our female is a distraction... from the duties we must perform in her own honor.

My son is a reminder of those duties. I had a wife who is now an undead slave to Inanji; undead because she was touched by my female's magic. My son, also undead, a blood-drinker like my female, is a living reminder of past mistakes.

"My daughter seems happier today," the Death god gives me a look of warning. "It is good that you are now gods and deserving of her." Unease stirs in me. He holds the power of Death in his hands and suddenly everything becomes clear.

Nateos positioned my brother and I to become War. I can't understand how he did it, how he knew that Urto would do what he did, but now we are War and he is satisfied.

It was foolish to ever think that Death would ever lose to War. Nateos manipulated us all.

"Why?" I murmur.

"What wouldn't a father give his daughter?" he asks. "A home, a family, companions, even, if she wants, a husband... or two."

"And if you deemed us unworthy?" I ask him.

Nateos shrugs, "there is a city of males just outside these walls. Souls upon souls of great capability. Warriors, scholars, wise and clever, strong and kind. Yet, my daughter chose you two, again and again."

"She will never want for our love again," I tell him.

He nods. "I sincerely hope not. For your sakes."

He walks away, back to his own wife. Our Heart is with them, speaking with her mother. Thelios is sitting on the floor with Poppy, playing dolls with Mishu and Mushu.

I straighten my spine. It's time to talk. "Hello, son," I greet Erra as calmly as I can.

"Father," he says coldly.

My molars grind together a little. "You are well?" I force the question to pass my lips.

"Poppy is happy," he replies as if that answers everything. I suppose for him, it does. It's clear that Poppy is all my son cares about.

"If you or Poppy needs anything, you will tell me," I order.

"I will," he says.

"Good," I nod.

He nods back.

It's a good conversation.



I let my father take my hand and pull me away from mama and Poppy. We leave the suite to go outside into a mourning garden in full bloom. I smile and touch the white petals of the lily growing near our path. Yellow pollen dances through air still sharp with the scent of the recent rain. When I touch the flower, a pink bead of water rolls over it's petals before splashing to the ground.

"It doesn't rain in the Underworld," my father remarks suddenly.

I look at him askance. It rained earlier. He just smiles and kisses my forehead.

His face is serious, but so are my thoughts.

"Ask, my daughter. You must have questions."

"Why let Urto do this? Why hurt them? Alter them? What has been done can't be undone," I say softly. Being at a distance from Thane and Thelios, I can see the bond stretch and pull, unfurling like the banner of a conquering army. The black fingers, the remnants of Urto's bond, are linked together, a web of unity that makes my two bonds appear as just one. What's more, the happy glow of the original bonds are bleeding into the black, becoming forever linked.

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