70 Potential Compromise

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Time Immortal, City of Ersetu, The Underworld


"My daughter," Nateos says proudly. "Come, we must show off my newest granddaughter properly."

Thane reluctantly pulls away, most likely feeling like he hadn't properly worshipped our female's mouth.

"I'm so hungry," Mara whispers.

Thane shields her body with his, letting her drink from him, just a quick moment. All of the Basru drops their gazes, giving their Lady privacy.

I watch her ass move, a sultry sway in her hips as she drinks and sensually rolls her hips against my brother. He cradles her gently, more mindful of her sore body than she seems to be.

My daughter gurgles in my arms, her face squinching up, before relaxing back into sleep. I look at her and smile. Gods, how perfect, stunning that she's here so soon, but absolutely perfect.

Mara walks to me, eyes bright, mouth red, a sexy smile curving her lips. Alright, so maybe my brother has a point, she has a beautiful mouth. I feel Nateos pluck his granddaughter from my arms just before Mara reaches me, muttering "pissant," towards me before turning his attention to his grandchild.

"Thelios," Mara purrs.

"Firesprite," I bend my head and kiss her, tasting blood over her sweetness and not giving a fuck.

I lift my head, letting her slot her teeth against the column of my throat. The sting of her fangs makes me clench her tighter to my body. Damn she feels good. All of the exhaustion of this day falls away when I have her in my arms.

I look at my brother hazily. Thane is grinning, wiping some of the blood and gore from his arms and face with a rag.

"I agree, brother," I say, careful not to jostle Mara as I speak. "Her mouth..."

"It depends on what view you have," Thane responds swiftly, his eyes fixed on her ass.

I laugh, and Mara removes herself from me with a pout and a suspicious stare for both of us. I kiss those lips quickly, enjoying every second of her fire.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," she says, relaxing for a moment. She smiles at me and wipes her thumb across a cut on my brow. War settles in my body, satisfied with the affection from my beautiful Flame.

After a moment, Mara turns in my embrace and holds out her arms for our baby. Taking our daughter, she nuzzles her, reacquainting herself with her newborn.

I start to pick her up, but she shakes her head. "I will walk. I won't be carried like an infant myself through the streets of Ersetu."

We approach the Gate. It looks diminished, somehow, as if the Underworld recognizes that it no longer needs to protect Ersetu from the damned souls in the Fields of the Lost. Natoes leads the way, head high, shoulders thrown back, the proud father and grandfather, eager to show off his brood.

We follow, Mara between the two of us, walking. I wrap an arm around her waist and Thane around her shoulders, holding her steady, stubborn female. Behind us is Lier and Napthia, with the Basru taking up their watchful positions at our backs.

The eyes of the city turn to us. I think nothing of it until I hear the whisper, "...the Champion Inanji was fucking."

The old bitter hurt wells up. I am War, damnit. I am one of the chosen Fated of the goddess of Grief. I am a father and a husband and still I feel like Inanji's whore.

Mara - The Lady Grief (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now