57 Foul Bond

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Time Immortal, Palace of Irkalla, City of Ersetu, The Underworld


"Right now?" I whisper as Thane and Thelios step away from me. I reach out, trying to grasp one of them, either of them. I don't want them to walk away to their doom against Urto. How is this happening?

Belen grabs my hand. "Yes, Mara. Come over here." He pulls me to the side, to a throne I am only seeing now. It's smooth, white marble with those pretty pink veins running through it. Unlike my father and mother's thrones, this looks like garden statuary from the mourning gardens at my father's temple, but so much finer and delicately wrought.

I sit because my knees can't support me.

"How will the winner be declared?" Urto asks my father.

A winner needs to be declared? Oh, I suppose because here in the Underworld you can't die...

Oh gods, I think I am going to be sick. The room is hazy, dark around the edges. My breathing is short and choppy. I am struck dumb by the sudden pendulum swing this day has taken.

"I will call the contest," Inanji interjects. She is smiling smugly. "And the Murderess must be quiet. After the contest, she can answer for her crimes without her spelled and blinded males at her side."

"What?" I look around, confused by the contest rules.

"Pray do not make up ridiculous rules, Inanji," Enlal says wearily. "I will determine the winner. It will end when the Champions or Urto no longer can move."

Inanji pouts, "she will cheat, she will help them," she points at me. "That's why she must be silenced!"

"Then both of you will be silent for the entire match," my father says coldly.

"What does that mean? What happens if we speak?" I ask.

My father doesn't answer, but amends Inanji's demands, "if you speak first, Inanji, then my daughter has a week to keep her silence. If she speaks first, then she will answer your accusations today."

"I don't understand," I say softly.

"You mustn't speak, Mara," my father kneels next to me. "She is trying to ruin you. When it is over, return to your rooms and take your week, understand?"

These rules make no sense, but I nod for my father. He offers me a soft smile. "Not a sound, understand? Urto will support your claims, but you need time."

I open my mouth to protest, but my father stands and moves away from me. Urto? Why will he need to support me? My father knows something, knows that Urto will win. My heart drops. I feel weak as adrenaline fades only to be replaced with dread. This can't be happening.

It is happening though. All three males are stripped to nothing but loincloths and one long dagger. Space in the very center of the room is made for the contest.

They crash together before I'm ready. I wince, sitting back and letting my throne keep my body upright. Three male bodies twist and turn, grappling with each other. They are allowed to have claws and that one blade, but not much else.

I'm filled with pride when Thelios gets the first good hit in. Blood spurts from the war god's upper left arm. Thane follows his brother's lead and injures Urto with a slash of his sword along the male's back shoulder.

I smile for my males, but it fades along with the wounds on Urto.

And that is his game. No matter how long or hard my males fight, Urto is simply healing himself, nearly instantly.

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