60 The Most Dangerous Goddess

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Time Immortal, Palace of Irkalla, City of Ersetu


"On three, Thane. One. Two. Three. Motherfucker!" I curse as I fall from the slab of stone. Great place to recover from the War god beating the shit out of you. Very comfortable.

I hit the ground facefirst. The stone on the ground muffles my screams. I hear Thane murmur his concern. "I think that hurt more than getting it cut off in the first place," I take four large, shuddering breaths. The pain is so unbelievable that my legs are numb.

Mishu pats my face gently. "Eeeos?" he mutters. Mushu leans over and licks me.

"Stop," I mumble, waving him away. I try to roll over to my back and am rewarded with searing pain.

I hear Thane groan and then a thud that can only be my brother falling from his own really comfortable stone perch.

Two hands wrap around me and roll me over. My head swims from the agony, black spots dancing in front of my eyes. I concentrate on not vomiting.

"I can feel the blood in me, Thane. It's hammering away at my bones."

"Hmm," Thane hums his agreement.

When I can finally see again I look to see my brother, sitting slumped against the side of the stone cairn, his legs outstretched in front of him.

"Wea-y?" he says slowly, his mouth and teeth doing more work than usual.

"Heee ssshheeaks," Momo says, clapping his hands together.

Thane looks at him, then cracks up, only managing one lone chuckle before he groans in pain. He looks up to the ceiling and mouths, "motherfucker."

"That's what I said," I mutter to him. "Mishu, stop touching my dick." The gargoyle coos and jumps backward, sitting on his hands. "I'm afraid to look, Thane."

My brother glances down at my mangled front, then shrugs. Taking a deep breath, I look down. I really wish I hadn't. I am healing, but the flesh between my legs looks like... fucking gods, it looks like... "it looks like the tongue of a Worm demon."

Thane makes a soft sound of agreement. Momo makes a scolding noise toward me and then pats Thane's shoulder.

"Sorry," I murmur. Tongues and dicks are sensitive subjects.

Thane waves me off, then rolls to his hands and knees. He takes a few deep breaths before standing. As he does, he reaches down and hauls me to standing.

We hold each other up for a long time before we can move.



As I am brought back to the Palace by an angry War god dragging along a Forgotten soul, a really angry and worried Death god, two cats, two Basru warriors, two invisible assassins, and fourteen newly-rescued souls from the Field of Lost Souls, the city of Ersetu notices.

As the hum of shocked and speculative voices rises I comfort myself with the knowledge that at least my gargoyles are with Thane and Thelios. I can only imagine the havoc they would wreak right now if they were in the city.

My father has wrapped one arm around my shoulders as we walk over cobblestone streets. Urto didn't like it one bit when my father took over the job of guiding me through the streets. The bond between Urto and I churns sickeningly.

Despite how serious this all is and how I think I may be in deep trouble, I can't help but glance around the city. I was practically comatose when I first arrived in Lier's arms with my Basru. And, when I flew with Ililie to the Eastern Gate, I was only focused on reaching the Gate before Urto could stop me.

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