50 Plan Your Escape

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2650 B.C.E., City of Tmari-on-the-Euphrates

Early Spring, Month of Adaru, Two Years after Mara's Rebirth


"I died today, two years ago," I whisper into Belen-cat's silky fur. He makes a very good pillow.

He continues to purr. Earlier the sensation and sound lulled me to sleep, but only for a little while. It must be in the middle of the night. War is quiet. The air in the mausoleum is heavy with the scent of oils from the sacred water from Belen's cairn. Outside I can see the stars shining overhead.

"I was taught that they were lovers," I whisper. "Are any of them in a bunch of three, I wonder?"

My stomach rumbles. It's been... nearly two weeks since I last ate? Alnue eyes me worriedly. He has been trying to feed me his special wine, but my stomach churns when I can't have my drinks fresh. I suppose I'm spoiled now.

I have trapped myself here without sustenance and my body is failing. My father is worried, but no longer tries to order me home. He and I both know that this city must die.

Prophecies and stories don't always tell the truth. Inanji has gone too far in her arrogant attempts to force love on who she wants, when she wants. Souls yearn to be free. Love can lie to you, lead you false, but grief cannot be fooled.

Inanji doesn't see what she does to souls. She doesn't feel that grief, see the loneliness and suffering. Or, maybe she does and doesn't care. Either way, she is shortsighted. She must know that she can't kill me and be rid of me that way, so she hoped that being rejected by my Fated males would make me so distraught that I would destroy myself.

I'm going to give that bitch exactly what she wants. I just hope that I have enough strength left in my body to take the city down with me. Let the Tasuri be washed away and if they survive this, then they will learn how misplaced their arrogance is.

I feel a tug on my left wrist. It's an interesting effect of the bond with my assassins. I can feel them moving about the city and the mountains above. I honestly have no idea how they are insuring that the noble Districts can't leave the city, but every so often they stop moving, then they start again. They seem to be making a very methodical progression across the very northern limits of the city. I wonder if the undead are building walls up there? But how?

My eyes drift closed, feeling heavy. I fight the yawn, not wanting to set off yet another round of sleep. I'm too afraid of being caught unaware by Inanji and Urto.

My Belen-cat suddenly becomes tense, before letting out a low growl that vibrates right through me. I sit up hurriedly, following the cat's line of sight to shadows near the doors.

"My Lady Princess," Enlil comes into the mausoleum on silent feet.


"I have news," he whispers. He hurries over to me, eagerness shining in his eyes. "Your family is gone, my Lady. I heard Lier tell the blond lady that the soldiers he sent to follow them lost their trail in the desert. They were heading north."

"North?" I'm shocked. The river is narrow in the north as it flows from the mountains. The river is formed from two twin rivers, the northern Euphrates and the southern Euphrates, and when they converge into one the water runs deep, fast, and treacherous. The fields are not flooded because the banks of the river are steeper, which makes growing food more difficult. The north is not as habitable as the south. What possible reason could my Basru have for leading my family north?

"I heard a rumor, lady," Enlil suddenly becomes grim. "That the Tomb Valley of the Forgotten has been desecrated."

I go cold. The Forgotten... they destroyed the tombs. Of course they did.

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