When Paisley Evans moves from New Orleans, Louisiana to Oregon, Portland, can she fight the instinct she's grown to have to close herself off to o...
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"Everyone ready?" Xavier asks, picking up his and Peyton's bags.
Thanksgiving break went by way too quickly for my liking and not just because Xavier wasn't gonna be at the house the whole day. He and Peyton stayed right up until today – Monday.
Last night was the first time that any of us had slept in a bed, mostly because our backs were getting a bit sore from the couch. Well, I'd also be lying if I said that Xavier and I didn't happen to end up in the same bed...
At first, we were in separate beds. Xavier had taken Paisley to bed and let's just say Xavier wasn't too happy that Peyton wanted me to tuck her in and sing her to sleep and not him. It was quite cute, to be honest. With his little pout. Though, the icing on the cake was Peyton making Xavier leave the room so we could have a little girl time.
"Are you serious!" Xavier asked incredulously. "I always tuck you in." He pouted cutely and slouched in defeat.
Peyton nodded and ruffled his hair like she was the older sibling. "Sorry, squashy. Next time."
"Squashy?" I asked and looked between them trying to stop the laughter that was ready to bubble out.
"Peyton wanted to find a nickname for me since I always called her squishy because she was a chubby baby with squishy cheeks. Then she started to call me squashy because one time I sat on her cupcake and squashed it." Xavier explains and I don't know why I found it so funny, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing.
I had high-fived Peyton for the name and shooed Xavier out of the room so I could sing her to sleep without Xavier hearing. I found out afterwards that he had not only checked in on Tyler which I found incredibly sexy.
My explanation for that statement; Xavier just showed me without really showing me that he cares about me because he cares about Tyler. I care and love Tyler so much that I would put him ahead of me every time.
I think I'm just easily pleased now that I think about it.
Then after he said goodnight to Tyler, he wandered into my room to 'check it out'. When I had finally gotten Peyton to go to sleep, I went to my room and found Xavier sprawled on my bed scratching Ace's belly. He was talking to Ace about how Peyton kicked him out of the room for me, then went on to explain that he didn't really mind. The way Xavier said it was that he liked that Peyton was so close to me and liked me because if she hadn't it would be difficult for him to make excuses to see me.
Safe to say, that was one of the cutest things someone's ever said referring to me. What made it better, was that he still didn't know I had heard everything he said. It was fun to scare him though.
We all piled into Xavier's car after we had some bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast – Xavier's treat. The guy can really cook. Now, we were headed off to school after we dropped Tyler and Peyton off at theirs.