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Rebecca's POV

So I finally settled myself into my apartment after a week or so and several trips to IKEA. Tonight I'm going out with a girl I met during our summer orientation for UCLA. Her name is Kristen and she is majoring in business with a minor in psych. She graduated a semester early so she has been living her since the beginning of the year. Tonight, her and I are going to a small bar with music and a few of her friends. We haven't hung out much but we clicked immediately, I have a feeling we are going to be really close.
Its my first night out in LA so I wanna feel cute, I'm also the type of person who feels naked without my hair and makeup done. I change into a pair of light wash high waisted jeans, a striped crop top with lettuce hem, my sunflower vans and a cute white bralette. (I like to think I'm a soft tumblr girl lol) I work on my hair next, using my curling wand to produce beach waves and then tying half my hair up into two pig-tails at the top of my head. I finish off my hair with a round of hairspray and a few yellow butterfly clips. For my makeup I keep it light and fresh, no liner and on my cheeks just a little bit of highlight and some blush. As soon as I apply some Carmex I get a text from Kristen saying she is on her way to the bar. I quickly reply, grab my keys and purse, and call an Uber.
15 minutes later I pull up to a bar that has a bit of a line out the door. Just by looking at my surroundings, I can tell I should have dressed a little edgier, but it's still daylight out so I don't feel so out of place. I thank my driver and find Kristen in line. She is in the middle of a conversation when I appear to her left.
"She shouldn't have looked at me like that in the first place- oh hey Rebecca!" She starts smiling and gives me a quick hug, you can tell she is a total extrovert, definitely a nice opposite to my introverted personality.
"So these are my friends Selena, Nathan and Austin" She says as she points to the people she was talking to when I walked up.
"Raegan will be here in a bit but he always runs a little late haha". I quickly exchange hellos with the gang and then find myself slowly drifting back and observing the climate of the friend group. Selena and Nathan are having a silly argument over whether or not water is wet, Austin and Kristen weigh in every now in to remind the two how pointless the conversation is. Although they may think they are sneaky, Austin and Kristen definitely have a thing for each other. Before we reach the bouncer, and before I have to chose a side for the current debate, I go ahead and shit down the whole "water is wet" thing with a light hearted joke.
"How long do y'all think the bouncer will look at my ID before declaring the fact that I'm under 21?". This earns a few giggles from the group as I hand over my ID, and in return get a big fat X over both fists to make it obvious that I am not allowed to drink, not that it would matter anyways since I have absolutely no desire to do so. As we walk in, I hear Selena make one more remark as to why this Raegan kid isn't here yet. But I'm not focused on that since I am stoked for this night out, and it has only just begun.

30 minutes into chilling at the bar I let everyone know I'm gonna go find a restroom. After I do my business, I start back over towards our group when I notice another guy whose back is to me standing with them. At first I think it's a guy trying to hit on Kristen, which isn't surprising seeing as how outgoing and gorgeous she is, but as I get closer I realize he is talking with the whole group. I come up on the group and lock eyes with Kristen, she is kinda my guide through tonight. At this the mystery guy turns around to see who everyone is looking at and almost bumps into me.
"Ah sorry, that was a close one. I'm Raegan, you must be Rebecca, these guys mentioned we would have a newcomer tonight" he says with a wide smile.
"Oh you're fine! And yep that's me, it's nice to meet ya!" I reply back trying not to sound super awkward. Before the conversation gets any further Selena takes my hand and drags me and Nathan out to the floor to dance to the small cover band. The song ends and I look back to our group, well what's left of it, and see Kristen and Austin in a deep flirty convo and Raegan staring of into space with what looks like a Pepsi in his hand. Nathan and Selena are distracted by the music so I head over to keep Raegan some company. Usually I wouldn't be this bold but something about being in California has made me break out of my shell.
"Hey there, you look like you are having a spectacular time." I say with bit of sarcasm in my voice.
"Well Bec, these love birds are a little exclusive in their conversation" He replies nodding to Kristen and Austin. I blush noticing the new nickname I have acquired, I must not be very subtle either because Raegan speaks up again.
"Sorry, is it okay if I call you Bec? Rebecca just seems like one of my mom's friend's names" he says taking a sip of his drink. With a newfound confidence I answer;
"Only if I can call you Rae.". He smirks when I say this and we shake on it. We jump into basic small talk with a few jokes here and there. After talking for an hour or so I interrupt him mid sentence with a yawn. He looks at my with his brows slightly furrowed.
"It not even midnight yet, Bec? Are you already tired?" He says while poking my ribs gently to make me laugh.
"It's been a long week." I reply, "I should probably say my goodbyes and head out". I'm about to head over to the others when he brushes my shoulder to get me to look at him.
"Here let me Uberpool with you home, I have a few meetings tomorrow morning anyways, I need to get to bed soon too." He says matter of factly. I thought this guy was a student, what work does he have where he has meetings early in the morning? I open my mouth to argue how I shouldn't be the wet blanket on his night out. Before I can though, he stops me and shows me his phone to show he has already ordered the car. We both say our goodbyes to everyone, only earning a slightly suspicious glare from Kristen.
As soon as we get in the car, my eyes feel heavy and I struggle keeping them open. About 5 minutes into the trip I give up and slowly rest my head back. I'm half asleep when the car stops and I see my apartment building, this is also when I realize my head slid on to Rae's shoulder. I quickly lift my head up and exit the car, but before I leave I see that the drivers route will take him back in the opposite direction for Reagan's house. Before I can ask why, Rae gets out and whispers something to the driver that sounds like "give me 5 minutes" and jogs a little to catch up with me.
"What are you doing?" I say a little confused by his sudden presence by my side.
"You never know who is around late at night, I was just gonna walk you to your door." He says like it was obvious.
"Well I think I found my knight in shining armor." I joke. He walks me till the see the crooked 7c hanging on my door and I pull my key out. You can tell he feels a little awkward by the way he scratches his neck. We say goodnight and I thank him for taking me home. I wash my face and before I go to bed read one last text.

Kristen: hope you got home safe, I have a feeling you and Raegan will be good friends ;)

Ahhhhhh they met!!! How are you guys liking it so far?!

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