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Rebecca's POV

Raegan and I walk up stairs and out to the front of the house. The yard in front of us is quite the sight to see. My uncles and dad are barbecuing and all across the yard my cousins are scattered around with some of the older ones hanging by our hammock and picnic table. From past reference I also know all the aunts and my step mom are inside drinking wine talking about the newest edition of 'Southern Homes'.

I decide to walk Raegan over to the cousins my age and I point out the the rest of the family on the way.

"Hey guyssss"

"Bec!" A chorus of my nickname gets called out.

"Hey everyone! This is my boyfriend Raegan. Raegan, this is Joseph, Abby, Ethan, Riley and Allison."

"Dont worry about remembering our names, not even our parents do half the time" Joseph reply's before taking a swig of beer.

Allison piped up "So, Rebecca, hows California?"

"Well Alli I came back with a boyfriend so pretty damn great." This earns a few laughs, "No but I really love it there, it's so much less anxious than here."

" I get it"

"Raegan, what about you are you from LA?" Ethan asks.

Rae perks up a little, " I'm actually from Maryland but I moved to California for work"

"Oh what do you do?" Joseph adds

"I guess I'm an influencer, but that's kind of a douchey title" Rae chuckles a little nervously.

Everyone exchanged a few glances. "Don't mind them that's not a job title around here, but I can tell it's a legit job" Riley adds. Raegan softens a little.

Dad calls us all over for food so we make our way inside. Luckily it's so busy with all of us eating that there is no time for family to grill Raegan with a bunch of questions.

We all finish eating and make our way out front to this clearing we have. My dad and I a few summers ago rigged a shower curtain and projector so we can watch movies outside.

I think tonight we were watching The Wizard of Oz. We grabbed blankets and the whole family scattered across the grass. Raegan and I found a spot near the others and got comfortable. About 5 minutes into the movie, I looked up at Raegan. Everyone else was focused on the film so it seemed like it was just us. He was looking at the stars.

"You never see this in LA." He whispers

"Nope, and Raegan, I'm really glad your here"

"I am too" He says looking back and me"

I cuddle up into his side and pull the blanket around me and end up falling asleep under the stars with my boyfriend right next to me.

Please leave this a vote and if we get 3 I'll post the next chapter!!

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now