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Trigger Warning⚠️ : self harm

Rebecca's POV

Being with Raegan has made me the happiest I have been in a long time. We are constantly with each other and today he is coming over and we are gonna go swimming in my complex's pool. Even though he was over this morning, he had to run back home to get his swim trunks.
While I wait for him I put my hair up into a messy bun and put some waterproof mascara on with a little bit of brow pencil. This stuff just makes me look a little more put together after I slather myself in sunscreen, because I am in fact very pale. A wise woman once said ' I don't tan, I freckle.' And that is me to a tee. I put on this black ribbed one piece, but it still shows skin with a cutout that starts just above the bellybutton and then follows the line of the underwire, the back has a cutout that is the same. Over my suit, I throw on this crocheted ivory coverup and top everything off with my black and clear tortoise shelled sunglasses with mirrored lenses.
I'm packing a few towels and a few water bottles into a bag when Rae walks through the door. He hug me from behind.
"Hey babe."
" hey you are just in time, do you want any snacks"
"Is that even a question?!" I giggle and he tosses some cheezits into the open bag. We are about to walk out of the door when Rae makes an observation about my attire.
"Did you forget something? " he says nodding at my feet.
Im confused for a second then I understand what he is referring to.
"Oh hun, I'm from the Midwest! Being barefoot is apart of every persons childhood there. I can walk over damn near anything except glass."
"What about legos?" He says smirking
I get very serious; "no one can walk over legos". We stare at each other very seriously and then I break and we both start laughing so hard Raegan let's out a snort; which in turn makes us laugh harder.
We finally reach the pool and I start out lounging and trying to get a least a little color on me.
"Swimming alone is boring...", I look up and see Rae's face peeping over the edge of the pool.
"I'm sorry Rae, just let me tan a bit longer." I say slumping back down in my chair. He pouts a bit more, "how about you text the gang and see if they wanna come over."
And sure enough, 15 minutes later Nathan, Selena, Kristen and Austin walk through the gate.
"Hey girlie" Kristen says as she plops down on the chair beside me.
"You trying to tan too ?" I ask her. She nods and we just lay back and chat while watching the others hang in the pool. After a while Kristen, gets up and joins them in the pool.
Soon, I see a shadow over my body. I look up and see Rae looking down at me with his hair wet. "Will you come into the pool now."
"Just a few more minutes" I say
He walks away but just as I close my eyes he lifts me up and tosses me in the pool with him following right after. When I come to the surface and see his smiling face. I try to be mad but end up laughing instead. How could I be mad at my Rae?
We paddle over to the others, and eventually someone suggests we play chicken. Kristen and I are nominated to go first, she gets on Austin's shoulders, while I get swept up and put on Nathan's.
"1...2...3..GO!" Selena giggles from the sidelines. Kristen and I poke and nudge each other trying to get the other off-balance. But we end up laughing most of the time. I think I'm about to win when I look over to Reagan. He is staring at my right hip with a concerned look on his face. Right then im knocked into the water. When I come up, I laugh it all off but Raegan still looks a bit concerned. I move over towards Rae and ask him if he's okay.
"What? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Umm I think we should talk later though"
"Oh okay" We both sort of shutdown for the rest of the afternoon, I think the others must see this because they make up excuses to leave us alone. They all head back to their house and Raegan and I head back up to my apartment.

I have a feeling I know what Raegan wants to talk about.

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now