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Rebecca's POV

So far tonight we have watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre, National Treasure, Heathers, and are now half way through Clueless. I look behind me and Kristen is asleep on Austin and Austin is half awake scrolling through his Instagram. As the night went on Raegan and I slowly drifted closer together, now when we turn our heads to talk we have about a half foot of space between us. I need a refill on my water and get up and head to the kitchen. Half way through pouring myself a new glass I hear someone behind me and jump a little.
"Still on edge from the first movie?" I turn around and see Rae smirking at me.
"Apparently haha, I see who the night owls are between the four of us." I say as I nod towards Kristen and Austin who have now both collapsed into each other.
Rae giggles as he replies, "yeah, they aren't very shy are they?". I go to respond but get cutoff by Kristen telling us she and Austin are going to bed and him slowly following her into her bedroom.
I stare at the closed door, "Well there goes my bed tonight, do you guys have any pillows I could use for the couch?" I say as I turn towards Raegan.
"Don't sleep on that uncomfortable thing, you can just sleep with me." He must notice my sudden awkwardness and quickly adds "...but only if you want to, I can sleep on the couch if you wanna take the bed.".
I cut off his rambling; "no no no, that works. I don't want to kick you out of your bed, Raegan".
"What happened to 'Rae', Bec?" He says a little disappointed and completely forgetting about the current conversation at hand.
"Sorry", I reassure him, "I guess being around Kristen got me into the habit of saying your full name". He lightens up a bit and we both agree that we should head to bed.
As I wash my face, I wonder why I didn't just sleep in Selena or Nathan's bed, but I realize I kind of want to spend the night with Rae. I exit the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and some shorts I used for dance when I was younger. The hem of the T-shirt falls below the shorts but since the only person seeing me like this was Kristen, I didn't think about it when I was packing. Rae looks up from his phone and looks a little starstruck.
With a sudden confidence I make a little remark; "Take a picture it will last longer.". Raegan immediately blushes and tries to explain himself before I cut him off and tell him I was joking. I slide under the covers and realize Rae is still on top of the comforter.
"I don't bite you know" I add, still a little flirty.
He slides under the covers and as I close my eyes I realize I am in no way tired enough to sleep.
"You up for some pillow talk?" I ask him as I roll onto my side.
"You aren't that tired either?" He says amused, I shake my head 'nope' and for the first time up close look at him in the eyes. They are a deep brown but have flakes of gold that line his pupil and disperse as you come to the thick black band around his iris. A few moments of comfortable silence pass before he suggests a round of 20 questions.
I quickly learn a few key facts about him; he is a YouTuber (explains the meetings and being home during the day), he has like a b u n c h of younger siblings, he is 19, and he is transgender. He seemed a little surprised at how chill I was with the last one, it makes me sad that, in the past, he probably didn't have as supportive reactions from others.
By the time we get 15 questions in, my eyes start to droop a little but I try not to let him see. I must not be that good of an actor because he makes a remark about it as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.
"You seem like you are tired now, you should go to bed". I try to protest but interrupt myself by yawning. With his hand still frozen by my ear, slightly resting on my jawline, our eyes fall onto each other's. If silent for a few moments and my gaze keeps going between his eyes and his mouth, the room is dark so I hope he doesn't notice. We could have stayed like this for hours but we hear a toilet flush come from next door. We both giggle.
"Austin and that popcorn must not have set well together" Rae whisper shouts.
We both slowly calm down and exchange our goodnights.
I lay my head down and end up falling asleep to the sound of deep inhales from the boy next to me.
I'm not gonna write much in these notes besides asking you what y'all think so far.

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now