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Rebecca's POV

I take a deep breath and squeeze Raegan's hand before I get out of the car. I immediately go to get my bags out of the trunk and Rae quickly follows behind. My Mother scurries to my side and immediately starts to give me shit.

"Well hello daughter, a mother would like a hug! And an Introduction to your new boyfriend wouldn't hurt as well...." she said trying to charm Rae already.

"Sorry mom," I say giving her the quickest hug ever. "This is Raegan, Raegan this is my mother."

"Hi it's nice to meet you-" Raegan goes for a hand shake and gets roped into a hug, I mouth sorry to him over her shoulder.

We eventually make it inside with all of our luggage before quickly saying hi to Brad who was planted on the couch watching NASCAR. I open the door to my childhood bedroom and the atmosphere almost makes me nauseous. It's so overwhelming I plop down on my bed and take a deep breath while running my hands through my hair.

"Hey, we are going to get through this together, okay? I promise we can do it, together." He says rubbing my back trying to calm me down. I take one last breath and stand up. I go ahead and busy myself by putting some of our stuff away in draws even though we will be leaving soon anyways. It's not until I notice Sarah and my other two sisters, Maggie and Claire, pull into the driveway that I realize I have been reorganizing the same drawer for 10 minutes.

I deliberately wait a few minutes for them to come in and say their hellos before I go down and introduce them to Rae. I made sure to check with Raegan and see if it was okay if I told my family ahead of time that he was trans. And everyone was chill with it except Claire. She is just- well I'll put it this way- she really wants to make America great again. She makes this so painfully obvious that she doesn't even reciprocate Rae's hand shake.

Between Sarah, Mark, and Raegan, I feel pretty okay and calm though. We go to sit down for dinner and on one side it is Maggie, me and Raegan, the other side is Sarah, Mark and right across from me is Claire, with Mom and Brad on the Ends. Throughout my whole childhood we had never eaten together as a family, but of course they chose the perfect time to start this tradition. And shockingly everything goes well until Claire starts talking.

"So Raegan, I did a little research and found your YouTube channel, I saw you got top surgery huh?"

"Wow that's not creepy at all, do you research everyone who is invited over for dinner?" I say

Mom quickly defends her favorite daughter."Rebecca don't push it", she says as a warning.

Raegan goes ahead and chimes in, " actually I did, it's been about 6 months now."

It's silent for a few seconds and then Claire opens her mouth again.... shocker... "so how about bottom surgery? Have you gotten it yet so you can be a real guy?"

" HOLY SHIT CLAIRE. Not only is that a personal question it is so fucking rude and disrespectful!."

Maggie chimes in, "Yeah, that was a little much"

My mom comes to Claire's rescue again. "Hey hey hey girls, she didnt know!"

"Oh this is ridiculous!" I push my chair out and go to stand up. I head to my room barely eating anything on my plate. I can hear Raegan excuse himself behind me and follow me to my room. I immediately start packing., I can't stand the thought of being here another moment.

"Hey babe, Bec, Just stop a sec" He says slowing me down until I stop in front of him. "Bec, tell me why you are upset"

"Why am I upset?! Did you hear how rude she was! It was so not okay an-"

"Look at me baby" He says guiding my head to look him in the eyes. "It's over, we can't change anything now."

I don't know why but I start tearing up. I put my head in my hands and slowly fall into Rae. He guides me over to the edge of the bed and lays down so I'm cuddled into his side.

"Bec why are you crying?" He chuckles softly wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I don't know! I just feel bad, like your my Rae and I'm supposed to protect you and I'm the whole reason you are here anyways and I'm just so sorry you had to be exposed to this." I say my voice shaking, I feel like Ive failed as a girlfriend.

"Sweetie, trust me it's okay. None of this is your fault. And if it makes you feel better we can hang in here until your sisters leave." He notices me start to calm down and adds " and maybe we can get some ice cream..... and go park your car somewhere and kiss until you forget all about Claire."

I giggle, "I would like that a lot Rae" I lean up and peck him on the cheek .

We lay there for awhile, I mess with his hoodie strings and he plays with my hair until we here the girls' cars leave the driveway. He pats my leg and asks "what's the best ice cream in town"

We jump in the car and arrive to this small soda shop down the street from me which looks like it came out of a time machine from the 60s. We order and go outside to eat our cones.

"Hey Bec?"


" I got a secret"

"Oohhh spill!" I giggle

"Well I was gonna wait till your actual birthday buttttt"

I gasp "ooo tell me tell me tell me!"

He laughs "okay so, I was thinking instead of flying back to LA we fly to Florida and meet up with some of my friends. As kind of your birthday present."

"OMG! that would be so amazing!!!" I lean over an kiss him and almost spill my ice cream in the process. "This Raegan Fingles, is why I love you."

"I'm so excited for you to meet my friends"

"I'm so excited to meet your friends too! Who all is gonna be there?"

"Well I talked to them before hand so it's going to be the whole gang; Ryan and his boyfriend Aryn, Kalvin, London, and then Ryan's best friend Cherliz."

"Eek I'm nervous... but in a good way! I can't wait babe."

"I'm so excited for them to meet my girl"

"Oh babe! That was so C H E E Z Y"

We both laugh and finish our ice cream before we drive home with the sunset behind us.

I realize that this small sad town isn't my home, because a home isn't a place;it's a person. And Raegan is mine .

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now