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Rebecca's POV

After Raegan and I made it official, things just sort of clicked. In the past, I would have never rushed into a relationship that fast, but I just feel so comfortable around Rae. We haven't spend more than 8 hours apart since we started dating, and those 8 hours were only for us to go back to our own places and sleep. Although I am perfectly fine with watching Netflix in our PJs, Rae really wanted to take me on a nice fancy date as a couple; insisting the movies didn't count because we went as friends.
Raegan left my place around noon to "make some arrangements" he said. I was a tad bit suspicious but I listened to his request and picked out a nice dress to wear to dinner tonight. It is a dark red, crushed velvet, long sleeve dress which falls just above my knee. I paired it with some chunky black suede heels and gold hoops. For my hair, i added some thick waves that cascades down my back but made sure I packed a scrunchie in case we went back to Raegan's and I wanted to put it in a messy side pony. Makeup is where I had fun, I have a lot of it and get really into doing different looks, but my laziness usually gets the best of me. I did a maroon Smokey eye with a small cat eye and some fake lashes. Gold highlight went on my cheekbones and in the inner corner of my eye. I pack my lipstick after I apply my first coat and grab my small black clutch and a black cardigan because, contrary to popular belief, nights in LA get a little chilly.

Raegan tells me his is running a tad bit late and to meet him at the restaurant so I go ahead and order an Uber for myself. I am relieved though when I arrive and see Rae waiting for me at a table; I did not wanna be the girl sitting alone waiting for her date to come. Rae's face immediately lights up as he sees me, his smile is so infectious that I can't help but smirk when I nod and slip by the hostess. It's not until I sit down that I realize this place is way out of our league. Raegan must be getting that YouTube money , but all jokes aside the restaurant looks like something straight off of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
"This place is really fancy." I say starting to make conversation.
"Only the best for my girl." He says with a wink. I nudge him under the table and give him a look that says 'oh please'. A more than averagely snooty waiter comes up to take our orders. We make it through the meal without doing anything to make Rae and I stick out too much, besides Raegan dropping a fork full of spaghetti lol.
"Would you guys like to see a dessert menu?" The waiter asks us as we finish boxing up the leftovers from our meal (we ain't bougie enough to let it go to waste!). I'm about to say yes, because I am not shy and I like to eat, but Raegan declines.
Jokingly, I skate the to go container in front of us; "Rae I didn't eat this....so I could have some dessert!".
"Don't worry I have something planned for that." He says chuckling. Raegan insists on picking up the check and then we are on our way.
"So what exactly are your plans for now? I do not plan on getting kicked out of a park again tonight." I say giving him a wink.
" oh you will see."
Our Car picks us up just as the sun is beginning to go down. After a 10 minute drive, we get out at a dingy looking light house that has a small dock near its entrance. I raise and eyebrow at Raegan.
"You might wanna take those off for this." Is all he says as he points to my heels. We are half way up the spiral stairs in the base of the lighthouse, and I will admit, I am a bit out of breath.
"Wow you really wanted me to earn this dessert, huh?" Raegan giggles then tosses me over his shoulder and carries me the additional two flights. We reach the top and come to a closed door. Raegan turns to me.
"Okay, do you trust me?"
"Why? Are you gonna murder me" I say trying to keep a straight face.
"Put your hands over your eyes and I'll tell you when to open, and no peeking!". I giggle but do as I'm told and soon feeling Rae's hands around my waist leading me a few feet forward.
"Okay on the count of three open your eyes. 1. 2. 3." I immediately just see darkness but after a second, old fashioned fairy lights flicker on above me and there is a small blanket with a basket laying before me. Next I observe the actual room I'm in, we are at the top of the lighthouse and all around us are floor to ceiling windows which showcase the sunset perfectly, and in the middle is a massive light bulb which rotates a stream of gold light above our heads.
"This is absolutely gorgeous, did you do all this yourself?" I ask Raegan with the widest smile on my face, no one has ever done something this special for me. He looks relieved and pulls me into a big hug. As we sit down and open the basket, which is full of creampuffs and chocolate eclairs, Raegan dismisses all of my questions with very vague answers. He still assures me though that their is no way we will get kicked out of here, and thank god !
We casually talk between bites of French greatness and eventually find ourselves leaning against the corner of the room, me settled into his side, just watching the ships in the distance.

"Hey Bec."
"Yeah Babe"
"Aw you called me babe" He says looking a little too pleased with himself. I scoff then he adds;
"I know we've only been dating a week or so but I've never fallen so hard so fast for someone" I lean up and peck his lips before he tells me to get up and turn away for him. I look out toward the sea and feel his warm finger tips brush my hair way from the nape of my neck. My kisses my neck once before he clasps a chain around it and pecks it once more. I look down at the pendant and my breath is taken away when I see a small rose that looks like it took a bath in gold. Each end connecting to a small gold chain with clasps around my neck. I start to tear up when I turn back to Reagan and give him the most passionate kiss we have shared.
"So I take it you like it?" He says with a goofy smile between kisses.
"I love it", my wide smile drops into a more serious one and i add;
"I love you"
It's silent for a few seconds and I start to panic. I know I'm rushing things but being with Raegan makes me feel like my emotions are dialed all the way to 10.
"I love you too" He says before putting his hand on my neck and his fingers tracing my jawline, kissing me.

After a bit of this, we pack up and arrive back at my place. For the first time since the slumber party, he spends the night with me.

As we get ready to go to bed I tell him:
"You might wanna start keeping a toothbrush here, I have a feeling we are gonna be spending more nights together."

I slept great.

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now