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Rebecca's POV

When I first wake up and open my eyes, I am startled by my unfamiliar surroundings but I look over and my eyes land on Raegan and everything comes back to me. He is on his phone so it takes him a second to realize I'm awake.
"Hey sleeping beauty" he says with a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Good morning" I reply as a yawn and stretch out.
He quickly jumps up and adds; "I'm gonna go start breakfast, you can hop in the shower and change if you want.". He tells me where the towels are and I head to the bathroom. I turn the water on in till their is steam wafting out from the curtain. I quickly shampoo and conditioner using someone of Kristen's products. It's about this time when I start thinking about the events of last night. That's when I realize; I really like Raegan. We bonded last night. He so sweet and cute, but in the past my crushes have been the death of me; so let's see what happens.
I change into some black legging with a grey strappy tank top that is loose from the body. After I throw my wet hair into a bun, I apply just a bit of mascara, powder, and fill in my brows a bit.
Walking out to the kitchen, I already smell bacon. As I round the corner, I can tell my suspicions were right. Other than the food though, I'm met by a shirtless Rae. It takes him a moment to realize I'm there so I take him in. He has his hair sticking out of a black beanie and on the bottom his wearing some black joggers.
He notices I'm there, "Take a picture, it will last longer", he giggles at his reference from last night.
"Where are the others?" I ask suddenly aware it's just me and him in the kitchen.
"They went out for breakfast, they seemed real lovey dovey." He adds as he flips the bacon. We exchange "ah" s and then we announces the food is ready.
We finish eating and then I go to pack up my things, when I'm done I walk out of the room and find Raegan on the couch.
"I'm gonna head out, make sure my apartment didn't flood or burn down ya know haha" This breaks his attention from the TV. He walks me out to the door before stopping.
"Hey, Bec, would you want to go see a movie sometime?" He says a little nervously while fiddling with his fingers.
"Actually, I was gonna ask you the same thing." I reply which makes him automatically perk up. My Uber honks and we quickly exchange numbers. Right before I get in the car I hear him call out; "Bye Bec", I turn around and add "Bye Rae".
I feel like a little girl when I get home again and flop on my bed with a big sigh. Just then I hear a ding on my phone.

Unknown number: Hey it's Raegan
Bec: Don't you mean "hey it's Rae" ;)
Ahhhh I'm excited

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now