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Rebecca's POV

By the time we made it back to my mothers house last night it was around midnight, this meant sleeping in today, which is exactly why I'm laying awake in bed at noon. I look to my right and see that Rae is still sleeping. He told me last night he didn't wanna miss out on today and to wake him up so I thought 30 minutes of sleeping later than me was enough and I mindlessly played with his hair until he woke up.

"Good morning sunshine" I giggle and his bed head.

"Morning" He says stretching.

"Rae, has anyone ever told you your morning voice is really hot?"

"Oh I don't need people to tell me babe, I knowwww" Raegan reply's as he cuddles into my side.

"So what's plan for today Bec?" He adds.

"I was thinking we could go to the movies, get some lunch/dinner at this diner downtown, and then go to a concert at this venue we have in town that does local bands... by the time we do all that we can come and pack our things so we can leave to my Dads in the morning."

"Sounds like a plan"

"Great now go brush your teeth so I can kiss you lol" at this Raegan jumps up really quickly and I giggle as I watch him rush to the bathroom.
We finished getting ready and we drive down to the theater, and because it's Raegan we decide to see a screening of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. We get our popcorn and are on our way to the theater when I hear someone call my name.

"Rebecca? Is that you?"

I snap my head in the direction of the voice, "OMG GEORGE!!!". We hug each other and sway back and forth and he lifts me up mid hug.

"Oh my god, it's been like forever how are you!?"

"I'm good, what are you doing back in town? I thought you moved out to Cali."

"Oh duh, I totally forgot. This is my boyfriend Raegan. We are visiting my family for my birthday.". Raegan shakes his hand and puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side.

"Hi it's nice to meet you I'm George"

"Raegan" He says with a straight face.

"Well Rebecca, I got to be going, I have to go meet up with my boss for dinner. You two have fun!" We exchange our goodbyes and i giggle as Rae and I walk away.

"What why are you laughing?"

"It's just cute when you're jealous.." I say smirking.

Getting a little defensive, "psh I am NOT jealous"

"Babe come on! Plus he's gay! ...You're so cute" we take our seats and I can notice some blush creeping up Raegans cheeks.

"Okay maybe I was a little jealous." He adds, I just giggle in response.

The previews start to roll and the movie begins, I only sometimes flinched into Raegans side during the scary scenes haha.
By the time we eat all of our popcorn we quickly realize we aren't hungry enough for lunch and head straight over to the concert.

Live music is my one true drug so I get very picky when it comes to how I enjoy the experience, which means I have to be front and center wether it's a small shitty cover band or one of the classics, so it didn't hurt that we were in line early. I was in my dream concert outfit too, black denim cutoffs with a sunflower crocheted crop top with my heart shaped sunglasses. I lean into Raegan as we wait and look out on the streets of downtown. It's kind of crazy how far my life has come in just a few months. Just as I'm lost in a hazy day dream the bouncer comes buy and checks everyone's IDs and collects the overhead.

When we get in you can tell the band is going to be a meta-thinks-they-are-hipster soft boi band which is notorious for my town but I'm kind ok with it. The room gets dark and the event uses the lights to cast a sunset around the audience. I look over and see Rae just perfectly cast in a ray of violet which turns into a deep red at the top of his hair. We spend the whole night just lost in this unspoken dream-like state.

He shows me just how my favorite things become greater with him.
Sorry guys this was a draft that I just forgot to post oops better content on its wayyyyyy

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now