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Rebecca's POV

I woke up this morning to a stream of sunlight hitting my face from a slit in the curtains of the guest room. Slowly, I unravel Raegans arms from around my waist and slip into the bathroom. As much as I'd love to walk out of the room in just Raegans old oversized t-shirt, I don't think that's the best way to do first impressions. My hair goes up into a messy bun, I put on a gray flowy tank top with high waisted black leggings and a black bralette. I open the bedroom door and creep down the hall in search for coffee.

I gasp when I turn the corner to see Aryn in the kitchen.

"Omg you scared the shit out of me." I whisper yell as I rub my temples.

He laughs, "sorry I forgot to warn people I may be in my own kitchen."

"Right...sorry haha"

"Your good, also you can talk normally; the walls are all soundproof."

"Great, I'm not used to having company this early in the morning"

"Yeah me either, Ryan will usually sleep in and I'll make the breakfast."

"Well aren't you a gentleman"

"Oh only the most gentlemanly gentleman of them all" He says trying to look very cordial. We both bust out in giggles.

"So, I was gonna go for a coffee run, do you have any requests?"

"Ah you are a lifesaver since our coffee maker stoped working last week. I'll text you the orders and pay you back."

"Oh don't worry about it, I'm just gonna walk to the coffee shop down the road. I'll be back soon!" I say as I slip on my shoes and walk out the door. The Florida morning dew is still clinging to the air as I walk outside and there is a thin fog over the horizon. I start towards the coffee shop and prance along before the birds have even awaken to chirp.
I walk back with coffees for everyone in drink holders and when I walk in I them all hanging in the kitchen. I read off everyone's order and hand out the drinks.

"We already ate breakfast Rebecca but there are some leftovers on the stove." London says after I hand her the coffee.

"Oh it's fine, I don't typically eat breakfast. Not really my thing" I shrug

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just insult the best food group and finish this coffee." Kalvin says while sipping a double espresso.

Ryan chimes in, "what's the plan for today ladies and gents?"

"Well London and I were talking last night about maybe doing a girls shopping trip." She says meeting my gaze, "are you up for it Bec?"

"Ditching the boys and hanging out with you guys? I'm down for that a n y d a y" I laugh

The guys come to the conclusion they are gonna go downtown to do something so we all split up to get ready. I put my hair half up in two pigtails and attach butterfly clips to the base of each pony. For my outfit, I go with ripped boyfriend jeans that have big holes so it's not super hot and I pair it with a rainbow top that has lettuce edged hemming. I grab my wallet and kiss Raegan goodbye.

We get to the mall and Cherliz immediately pulls us to Sephora.

"You guys are gonna make me go broke!" I joke

London responds, " I need to stock up on eyeliner cause I go through that shit likes it's cocaineeee". We all bust out laughing. I decide to pass on buying anything though because I am still a struggling college student and makeup can be a bitch to travel with.

We head to a few more stores and the other two look straight out of Legally Blonde with the amount of shopping bags they are holding. I am holding a single bag....my purse.

Cherliz notices, "Rebecca you haven't bought anything yet!"

"You guys have my laughing so much I can't focus!" I say, which is partially true but the other half is the fact I get really insecure when shopping especially with other people.

"It defeats the purpose of a 'shopping spree' if you don't buy anything" London chimes in.

"Here, lets do one last store just for Bec and we will focus on getting you one perfect outfit."

"Oh okay" I say a bit hesitant, but they immediately make me smile as the skip off towards the store.
I've been used like a Barbie doll for about an hour now and the girls are convinced this next look is "the one". They have dressed my in a high waisted denim mini skirt with white pin stripes on it and a white flowy top, matched with a pair of nude chunky heels. As I step out the the fitting room I'm speechless.

"GIRLS YOU DID SO GOOD!" I exclaim which earns a few looks from the sales associates.

We check out and head back to check on the guys.

"It was so fun getting to hang out with y'all, I don't have many girlfriends so it felt nice to be wanted." I say as we walk out into the parking lot.

"Aw of course." Cherliz says as she side hugs me

"Anytime you wanna blow all your money just hit me up." London adds.

We giggle and head back to the house.
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