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Rebecca's POV

After Raegan introduced me to his supporters, him and I Both agreed that he should move into my place with me. He already spends so much time here, plus this way Nathan could have a real bedroom and not just the basement of their house.

In fact, right now I'm laying on our bed and watching Raegan unpack some of his clothes. We have an episode of Friends going on the background when his phone goes off.

"Hey mom" He says into the phone. I turn the TV down and check my phone so it doesn't seem like I'm ease dropping. Eventually he hangs up.

"Who was that, Rae?"

"Oh just my mom, she calls me every few days just to check in ya know."

"That's cute that you have a good relationship, you and you're mom" I say looking up at him.

"She was the first person I told about us after that night on the playground." He adds folding some of his clothes. I suddenly come to the realization that I haven't told my parents or any of my family about us, well besides my sister who is my best friend.

"Oh yeah" I say a little awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" He says a little skeptical.

"Nothing.. why would anything be wrong?" I say trying my best to convince him.

"Well you all of a sudden acted all funny, is there something you aren't telling me Bec."

I sigh, "yeah, I just realized I haven't told my family about you. I'm sorry I-"

"Why" he cuts me off sounding hurt. He keeps going. "Are you like ashamed of me, because I- I'm not ashamed of you, I want the whole world to know that you're mine"

"Babe, it isn't like that." I say getting a little defensive.

"Then what is it like? Huh? Did you just forget? Did your boyfriend just skip your mind?" He says getting a little frustrated.

"Raegan, god okay, I'm sorry I'm not as fucking close with my family as you are okay! Why do you think I moved out here? My family is a fucking nightmare! I guess I didn't wanna open you up to their ridicule. Damn!" I start to tear up and go to the bathroom and close the door behind me. I lean over the sink and take a few deep breaths before my tears start to run down my face. I hear a soft knock at the door and I quickly wipe the wetness from my face. I turn and open the door halfway.

"Hey Bec"

"Hey Rae"

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have made All those comments an-"

"No baby, I'm sorry, there is no reason I shouldn't have told them. I completely understand why you would feel hurt by that. And I will tell them tonight- no I'll call them right now-"

"Hey, it's okay." He pulls me into a hug. " I love you Bec, you can tell them whenever you are ready." He leans down and kisses me on the forehead.
After a little bit more of unpacking I sit down in the living room and call my mom. The nasally speaking voice of my 5'2 mother comes through the speakers of the phone and I already feel a headache coming on.

"Hey mom"

"Hello, stranger. Feels like I don't even know you."

"Well I've been busy I guess"

"Oh how busy can you be, you sleep till noon and only eat Mac and cheese honey. Trust me I loved with you for 18 years."

"Oh mother how I have missed you"

"Whatever I don't need to have this phone call if you are just going to act like a brat."

"Ok sorry, I actually called to tell you something..."

"And that is"

"Well, I met someone and he moved in the other day"

"Well thanks for informing me and Brad" Brad being my alcoholic step-father grunts in the background.

"-and you wonder why I didn't tell you, whatever just though you would like to know"

"Maybe you could bring him to visit for your birthday?" Shit, I forgot I promised to fly home for my birthday, which is in..... ugh 7 days.

"Idk we are broke students ya know.."

"Oh hush I Venmo you the money and see you in a weeks time."

" ok mom I got to go"

"Okay then I love you, I'll talk to you the next time you a have a big life event"

"Mhm bye"

I sigh deeply and put my head between my knees. Rae comes up behind me and rubs my back.

"How did it go?"

I look up, "wanna fly to Missouri?"

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now