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Rebecca's POV

The next morning we quickly packed and headed off to my dad's. But not before a seriously awkward goodbye with my mother. Nonetheless we drove down around noon because we had to get there before they started setting up for our annual summer barbecue.

"So Bec, give me the rundown on your dad's side of the family." Rae said as he turned down the radio.

"So, you have my dad and step-mom; Jacy. And then Sarah of course, and my two stepsisters Lindsey and Erica."

"And we like them"

"Haha yeah, they girls can be a lot sometimes but they are better than the alternative that is my mom" I say

"Cool" He says smirking

"Fair warning, you will have a lot of introductions tonight because my extended family is coming over for my birthday/summer party. But they are a Great time so don't feel bad if you don't get all their names down lol" i add.

We drive another 20 minutes before we pull into the driveway. I love my dads house because it's in the middle of nowhere. It is nestled on 5 acres of open yard space and then surrounded by woods, in the middle is the house itself which is white with a bright red door and dark green trim. It has a gorgeous wraparound porch too which my dad and step mom are currently sitting on.  I pull into our makeshift gravel parking spots and am greeted by our black lab Stella.

"Stella baby !" I say and then go around back to help Raegan with our bags. We walk up the sidewalk to the house and my dad meets us at the steps to help with our bags.

"Hey! Dad this is Raegan and Raegan this is my dad and stepmom, Jennifer." They all exchanged hellos and I excused us inside so I could give Rae a quick tour before everyone got here.

"So this is obviously my room" I say as we set our bags down on my bed. "The bathroom connects through to another bedroom which was Sarah's growing up." We make our way into the main level," This is the living room and those doors go to my parents room and the kitchen is back here and connects to the screened in porch. The glass doors lead to the office/playroom for the grandkids haha" we move to the basement next. "This is where my dads 'man cave' is lol, so we have a pool table and bar area he built himself, and past that back here is my oldest stepsisters room which is big enough to fit two beds in if we really wanted too, she's very spoiled. And last but not least we have our actual garage which opens out to the back of the house."

I can tell it's a lot to process for him but he just smiles, "I see, this is nice".

We here car doors shutting and we both look at each other.

I break the silence; "Well I guess that party is just now starting"

This was a weird chapter guys I'm sorry but imma start doing this thing where if I get 3
votes/comments I will post the next chapter soooooooo you know what to do!

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now