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Rebecca's POV

The next day Raegan and I mainly work I'm packing for our trip to Florida, and I CANNOT BE HAPPIER TO LEAVE!!! My family puts so much anxiety and stress into my life that I am so ready to get rid of. We make our final round of goodbyes and head to the airport that evening for our flight.

We make it through security and while we are waiting to take off I start to ask Raegan about the friends we are going to go visit. I knew of them from watching their encounters on social media but I didn't know much and I don't want to look like a fool when I meet them for the first time.

"So, Rae, who all am I going to be meeting?"

"So we are going to be staying with Ryan and Aryn. Kalvin and London are from Maryland like me and then Cherliz is Ryan's best friend."

"So it's gonna be like one really fun sleepover?" I giggle

"Haha...yeah and it will 10 times more fun with you"

"Oh save the sappy remarks, babe" I playfully scoff.
After we land, I notice two boys waiting by the exit that I recognize from the different fan accounts I sometimes stalk. The one with the floofy hair, who I assume to be Ryan, notices us first and waved us down. Raegan walks over and gives them both hugs before turning and introducing me.

"Bec, this is Ryan and Aryn, they are the ones whose house we are staying at."

"Hi it's nice to meet you." I say extending my hand.

"Hey I'm Ryan and this is my boyfriend Aryn." He says gesturing beside him.

"Oh thank god you know him, I thought he was just a creep with no concept of other people's space lol" I joke.

Everyone laughs, "I have a feeling this weekend is gonna be crazy." Aryn adds before we leave.
We get back to their house and since we traveled from further away we were the first ones to arrive. Rae and I claimed one bedroom for us since we were the only other couple. We set our stuff down and ended up playing with Ryan's dog and cat until more people showed up.

One by one, Kalvin, London, and Cherliz arrived and I was introduced to them all. London, Cherliz and I at this point in the night had been stuck in our own conversation while the guys were talking about... idk "guy stuff". The girls and I were hanging on the couch chatting and I feel two arms loop around my neck from behind.

"Hey babe" I say realizing who was behind me.

" Ew a boy, we don't stan this intrusion on our girl talk" London says trying to keep a straight face before her and Cherliz bust out laughing.

"Okay then I'll just leave and not order you guys any food" Raegan says starting to back away with his hands up in surrender.

All three of us gasp, "FOOD"

"See that got your attention, but we were thinking about doing pizza since it was a travel day for all of us, sound good?" Rae asks. There is an array of 'yes's from us as we move into the kitchen to figure out the order.
By the time we all demolish 3 pizzas it's around sunset, Aryn says there is a cow pasture down the road and so we decide to go on a walk.

It's too warm in Florida to wear what I wore on the plan outside for more than 3 minutes so I change before we leave. I put on this white crocheted crop top, with light acid wash mom shorts and a black belt, and my white high top converse. I also put half my hair up in a bun at the crown of my head.

I skip out onto the porch where the rest are waiting.

"Sorry it took so long but I'm ready now!" I apologize as I reach the outside air.

~Summer Lovin'~ \\ raegan beast Where stories live. Discover now